This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Het 'n gesprek met my geliefde geniet oor die ether. Sy het baie gehad om te se. Dit vat langer as sy verwag het, om gereed vir my te word. Sy moet hulp van haar susters kry en ondersteuning van hulle.

Lean less, Collard, on your own understanding and submit to the teaching of the Lord. Fewer "principles" and more reality. Principles, that's Hellenistic abstractions. Not impressed any more.

Well I've upgraded the Entz Machine to Qiana and installed a funky theme called Purple Popper. I've got to do the same to the Study PC and hope that I can get the scanner/printer working as I did in Petra.

It's chilly out. Nine degrees at the Airport.

I couldn't find BlackMATE anywhere. Weird. I wonder whether I can export it from this machine to the Study. I suppose they're kept somewhere in a directory somewhere under the bonnet.

I found a poem I'd written in 2011. I think I wrote about it on yesterday's Journal. It's too cold to go through to the Study and upgrade the computer just yet. As always at this time of the year, I am feeling winter is dragging on a bit. I've had enough of the cold now. Time for hot and sunny and trips out in Wilfie with the top down.

Yeah, so, after this round of upgrades all my computers will be running Linux Mint 17 "Qiana" MATE and they will be running this operating system unti 2019! So that's cool; I won't have to bother about operating systems for ages. Mind you I like tinkering with operating systems. Makes me feel cleverer than I actually am.

Yeah well it's Saturday. "Their day" as I call it. But, I'd quite like to go through to Somerset this morning. But I won't. No tengo dinero Senor.

No, I'm feeling cold. I need a bath too. I haven't had a bath for ages and ages. A couple of years ago I went a whole year without having a bath or a shower. I discovered by the end of it that I had become an smelly man.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Quite impressed, he was ready to confess that jealousy made you nasty.

I have upgraded the Study PC but can't get the Samsung scanner to work, only the Canon.

This is not a train smash.

It's cold and raining out. Not nice. Last weekend was really, really lovely. This weekend is a dead loss.

I am quite frazzled having spent the night up doing various things.

I found a poem that I wrote in 2011 which I really like. It would certainly have gone into Dorchester Starlings had I written it in time. I think I just forgot about the poem. It's about Christian fellowship.

Have to admit I'm quite tired. Tired of trying or of sitting listening to the evaluations behind walls. Ich habe keine Probleme, welche nicht durch Kuess und Knuddel geheilt worden waeren. So sagt meine zukuenftliche Frau und die Mutter meiner Kinder. Das ist unglaublich, aber wahr. I feel terribly alone, solitary even isolated. Insulated like a wire carrying a heavy current at high voltages.

Collard's all right. He needs his theology files updating.

I don't think his theology is very good.

Oh, but I'm tired. Is there any hope at all? asked Collard.

I'm sick of hope. It's supposed to be an anchor for the soul but all it does is pull me down onto the sea bed. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. That's so true.

Well, bash has been updated and it seems three of my systems are now functionally and safely running Qiana. They can stay that way until 2019 when who knows what operating systems will be like.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

They have to realise I don't really like people and being around them. If I did I'd probably have made more of an effort by now, don't you think?

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