This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Up all night. Did some techie stuff. Tried to install the full Gentium font including the Greek. Wrote a tract tonight.

Feeling a bit tired and wan at the moment. The projector man should be coming on 15th October, which is pretty unacceptably late, but better late than never. In the meantime I've hooked up the spare monitor to the Entz Machine. It's better than nothing.

Battling to try to find the place in Scripture where it says Jesus "saw with" the Father. Someone on Revelation made a point of this and now I can't remember the reference.

At the moment just marking time until Words comes out. I hope people will be proactive.

Yeah, I'm quite tired.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Slept from about nine until 1.30pm. That was good.

Ate a whole bar of chocolate last night!


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I can't believe it's Thursday again. Almost the weekend again. That week went quickly. Very amazing.

Gerry's mother's dead. He came here to take some photos of my flat (I had to twist his arm to get him to actually come and do any work) and now he hasn't given me anything to show for his work. It's a shambles, utter shambles. He used to contact me when he wanted money. He doesn't any more.

Chris sent me a really good article.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh yeah, last night I brought an amp from the Drawing-room to the Study, where I set it up with a mixer so it amplifies both the radio and the computer in there. Plus there's the mic there and I've got Audio Recorder which is even better than Sound Recorder, because Audio Recorder records straight to mp3, obviating the need to change the files with Audacity. But they might need amplifying anyway. But I don't see myself having to do any more recording.

Anton, Gerry's friend, is sending me a script. I think he wants money.

I've never spoken to him except the one time when Gerry brought him here. Yet he thinks he can ask for hand-outs. It sickens me. Dia ton Jesoun, oudeis ou bouletai gignwskein eme. Hoi adelphoi paizousin eme. Hai adelphai misousin. Halis noswn egw. All' ou dynamai kryptesthai pasan zwen. Oh, I've had enough. Kai bouletai ho Collard eis ten ekklesian bainw?


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I think the reason I don't have anything to do with Christians is that I got sick of having the piss taken out of me. Fed up with it. I think it's ego a lot of it. I know God. God knows me. What's the point of going around with a bunch of people who basically despise you?


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've only been awake five minutes and it's already getting dark.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

The man is only coming to replace the bulb in the projector on 15th Oct. That's a bit bad, seeing as I'm having to pay for it all. And that's bad too, seeing as how the machine is less than a year old. So I'm not impressed with Dell or their service or their guarantees. In fact I have never trusted the Man. I have always assumed that guarantees aren't worth the paper they're written on, and that after-sales service is a sort of myth, like Oedipus. Oh the voices tell me I'm going to be on television. I have no desire to be on the box. I have always wanted to be on the radio though.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Bravery, gallantry; things that no longer exist in this world, like pantries and gordonberry pie. Did you know that? I wonder how long he koure agapete has known what God's plans are eis hemas. Sprog? Two-sprog? A daughter for me and a son for you. Yihyeh beit muziqah, beit midrash, beit da'at adonai.

Yihyeh beit da'at adonai.

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