This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yet another day winds on its weary course towards December.

I'm tired. Didn't go to bed last night. Stayed up. Foolish. Really ought to have hit the sack at a proper time and gotten some kip in. Oh well. Nolita will be here in three hours or so and I'll have to go and get electricity, and her wages, while she's here. Then in the afternoon Keith is coming to help me with my projector. I can't cope with being up a ladder and getting the projector down and reading serial numbers on it and so on. I've had it for under a year, so they tell me, and still the lamp is needing replacing! I looked at it says it's been on for over 3,000 hours, which is difficult to fathom, but there we are.

I may get a bit of shut-eye in my chair between now and Nolita.

smiley - sleepy


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well I did get a bit of sleep and even dreamt. Patrick Stewart brought this friend round, a very silly man.

I have finally unsubscribed from Avaaz. Mind control - same stable as O'Bamamamama.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh how I love Mr Collard. He's so lovely. Sort of the best of modern Evangelicalism, or shall we call it Neo-Evangelicalism. Although I had a controversy with him a while ago but he hadn't at that time twigged what God was doing in me, and he has now, and he understands. Dear Collard. He's on his own tomorrow morning. Oh, it's Heritage Day tomorrow is it. Finished now. smiley - sadface


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Keith came and took the serial number and left. The man on the phone said the bulb had a 3 year warranty and so I have to pay for a replacement. They are emailing me the quote, and when I send them proof of purchase, they send out a techie to replace the bulb.

When he had finished he put the projector back up on the ceiling and tried to switch it on, but the bulb actually had given out and so there was no bulb at all; the projector isn't working any more.

Probably in part because it is close to the eiling and so on. Is far the warmest, and the coolest place in my flat in the summer and in partcular the winter months.I'm dog tired; I fell asleep before Keith came.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Slept. I can't get on to Internet Banking, for the second time that I've tried this month. What a bloody nuisance. It's necessary.

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