This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Had a lovely sleep. Woke up to find two techie things needing my attention. One of them sorted out, the other may take a while. I'll have to see to it first thing Monday if I can.

Otherwise, quite tired and weary. It's been a rollercoaster few days. But I'm back on my pills and hopefully will be in a better place mentally than I have been lately.

I've got a roll from the 7-11 in the fridge for luncheon.

smiley - tea


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Just when you thought you'd reconciled yourself with the appalling complacent unpleasantness that someone has - they let themselves down yet again, and you think, they deserve what they've got coming.

But no-one deserves that.

Or we all do.

Well anyway, I suppose she'll never grow up, because I suppose she's either never suffered, or, if she has, she's blamed it on others and seen herself as the righteous victim.

How shocking that someone can work with mentally compromised people and exhibit the attitude she does. I think it's probably misandry, and all sorts of psychological nasties that these people appear to have.

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