This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Was considerably annoyed when this feminist chose to misinterpret a joke I made. I am SICK AND TIRED OF THESE *&&*&^& FEMINISTS WHINGING AND COMPLAINING AND TAKING OFFENCE, absolutely sick of it.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I notice most of the worst offenders appear not to be able to sustain an adult relationship with a man; either that, or they have emasculated their men and turned them into lemonade dogs.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Anyway, I'm wondering whether to risk upgrading my Lucid PC to Qiana, now that I've found a decent substitute for Sound Recorder for Mint. I don't know however, whether the new OS would be able to read the large physical data drive. I don't want to try it out only to find I've nixed my machine and have to pay someone to come and mend it for me.

Came under attack psychically from the feminist who took offence. She was demanding an apology; none is forthcoming, because I treat everyone the same, man and woman. I do that, you see.

So I stand up to her magick and finally exhaust her ability to hate, and she slinks off.

If this is what women are like then I have no desire at all to have anything to do with them futher. Sethu was a betch. They just make me feel sick. Pretending to be the weak and vulnerable ones, they have power in the unseen. But so do I. So they'd better watch it.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

They use their knowledge of Satan and his demons to mess people up until they acquiesce to their will. They like to lock people up and say "You're not going anywhere until you apologise". Sorry but that's bs. You chose to misinterpret something I said to blacken me, but my intention was entirely humorous, so you have no legal grounds for any demonic action. Up yours.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

"Is your wife still educating you?" asked Collard someone yesterday.

Thankfully that will never happen to me, because of the folly which stops me seeing and understanding the evils that go on in this world, which they so exult in.

Really must get on with some work. I don't think the children one has legs; I'm not really into it, and the woman who commissioned it gives me a bad vibe. So I ought to try to make (yet) another start on trying to pin down my theological philosophy.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I realised many years ago that Christ is our Supreme Advocate in a court of Law, and that as his sons, we are also trained to become experts in the law - not in the Torah, but in the new law of love.

This is probably one the most exciting areas of study in our salvation.

As with everything else, it requires a thorough knowledge of the Bible before you can even begin to learn the techniques of legal argumentation in the Spirit.

But it CAN be taught. How I'd love to teach a course on the Law of Life. I reckon I could do it really well. I'm wasted at the moment, here, but the evil thing inside me always jinxes every single time, every single opportunity God gives me in his grace, to move in ministry for his glory.

Yes, arguing our case with our enemies can be a tricky business, because our enemy is very clever and subtle; but the Spirit of God is even subtler, and he can help us as we argue our way out of the lie of bondage into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Binbin sent me a really nasty, bitchy message. If that's how she is when you apply a bit of pressure, then I'd say her sanctification has an awful long way to go. And she goes on and on about being an 'old soul', too --- laughable. God save me from these ridiculous little girls. Let them find little boys of their own level, whole lives to make hell.

Makes you wonder about the station as a whole. I have respect for Collard but that's about it. And even he can't bring himself to be civil. Most of them I think are cultists. I haven't donated this year and I'm not going to in future. They need to go under.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Successfully upgraded the Study PC to Linux Mint Qiana. Just a question of it recognising and being able to access all three physical data drives now. I've had a go at it and will have another go later. The sound card appears to work, which is good news; I've got a decent sound recorder app and can load that onto the machine so I can record my tracts again, should I ever need to.

The Study PC used to be Ubuntu Lucid but I decided enough was enough and I've changed it to Mint Qiana. It's got one internal data drive (750GB), and two USB data drives (500GB and 350GB respectively). These, plus an 80gig OS drive which ensures a smooth boot.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's certainly very megamost; my new-old machine that I've got Skype on now, in full HD, and no fewer than 3 external drives, plus a SSD OS drive. Happy happy happy joy joy joy, as Rend ans Stipmy wants slog wading through some of thickest, sweetest Bible verses on it EVVAH; ad I javd nai zindaagi naya jeeva Hello.

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