This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've spent much of the last four or so days in bed, night and day, out of sheer boredom. Eventually I got up this morning at four am to listen to The Savage Nation, got bored with the constant ... tone, and switched off at twenty past five. Waited up until the day came, did Wilfie's and Daisy's tax discs, which I hope will come soon.

Good news from Vic. I'm not going to be done for crimen injuria after all. Phew. Well I was totally psychotic at the time so it wasn't really my fault; AND there was provocation. But anyway, all done now.

It isn't as nice today as it was yesterday.

Two of my computers are malfunctioning; I have got to attend to those this afternoon. Oh, and find some lost keys.

smiley - geek


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

One computer mended itself; the keys are also found.

smiley - bravesmiley - wah


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got the printer working from the Netbook now as well, so that's all my tasks done for the day. I can't think of anything else I've got left to do now. I've paid my Telkom bill haven't I? And my Cape Town municipality dues? I think so. Everything else is Direct Debit so I don't have to think about it, car insurance, hospital plan, tv, ISP. I might think of going to see Telkom in Claremont and asking them if there's a better Internet service for the same or a lower price since I've had this 4 gig service since 2011 and things have surely improved and cheapened by then.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I made enquiries about the registration of my logo and name of my ministry this afternoon. I expect he'll be back to me tomorrow. Brian Bacon, just down the road from me, they're "the best" according to the associate I spoke to.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

R. and B. are the judgement of God on M. and P. That's real hectic.

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