This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy


I am you, you

are I, we

die; you

arise from my ashes, I

arise in yours: we

are each other.

This is love.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

The television is a bane of modern life. When believers get together, how on earth can they leave the telly on and stare at it? When we've got a wonderful, Triune God to worship! to pray to! to adore! to love!

But no, the television reigns. It's sick.

I have undertaken to lend Daisy out to Phumezo. I shall draw up a legal document defining, declaring and insisting that she be returned to me in the condition in which she was lent.

I may in fact charge a modest fee to cover the insurance. Yes Phum can pay for the tax disc and for the insurance, of course.

Chanda and Phumezo are very lovely people, but they are insistent that I must marry and have children. I am suspicious of this. While I really want to marry, I love God more than I want to be comfortable in this world. "Those who can accept it, should." But can I? Only God knows.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

My network is working again. The only thing that remains is a matter of permissions, but I think that's easy enough. Well, how wonderful! This means I've got a separate little workstation in the Afternoon Room, online, networked to a printer and to my other machines and drives; it can Skype; perfect! How wonderful! Thank you Father, you are so kind.

I now have also full scanning capability again, and can print what I scan, and save it to a central drive.

I need to procure a 2 TB USB drive, copy what's on the present drive onto it, and plug it into the router so that I've got more centralised storage space.

This is good because I had this working at the time of Rigby's departure back in September last year. Then my Internet broke down on Telkom's side and everything went tets up. And now, it's all working again! Yay!

So it's been almost a year since my network went up the spout, but by God's grace I've got it back up again.

One thing I do need, is a pair of speakers; then I can hook this Ideapad up to my spare amp and have proper sound in the Afternoon Room.

I'm playing Moving Forward from the router drive, but it is stuttery... this is not ideal.

But that's a minor thing; and it's playing OK now.

This means I've got another little workstation in the Afternoon Room, networked and online. Wonderful, praise God. Little touches to improve the House of the Presence of God, where he has given me to dwell in these years of my life.

Basically need a pair of speakers. The amp can go on the table where the lamp was. I do have a cable, I think, to connect the computer to the amp. No mixer necessary, unless I want to pipe the radio in here through the amp as well; for this I could have a cable made up with 10K resistors, or buy a very small mixer. There are only two sound sources in the Afternoon Room, the radio and the computer.

This flat of mine is becoming like a very functional home for busy people. All done in faith; because I appear to be permitted to remain alone in this life. Anyone coming under my roof to live here, would have lots of opportunities for effectual work, and plentiful relaxation and enjoy.

There may be a trip to Tyger Valley in the offing, or perhaps Canal Walk. Because Paul doesn't have a good choice of speakers and I need relatively small ones for the Afternoon Room.

I have brought the amp in here. This means I shall need yet another one, for Beit Chesed. That can wait. I shall do it with DHL like I did the last one.

If there were two people here, I can write in The Phrontistery, whereas the other can write either in their bedroom, or in the Study, or in the Afternoon Room. Printing is centralised (the Study PC has its own printer) and of course the network, once permissions are granted, facilitates file storage and access. There isn't a computer in the spare room; I gave it away. It feels good to pass the Afternoon Room on the way out through the Drawing-room, and feeling the vibe of work and of the Internet in here. What with the telly being fully operational, also with Internet, and the hifi in the lounge, and of course the Net in here and in The Phrontistery, my flat is plentifully appointed.

I have relented and have put on the radio. At the first sign of judgement by sight I can always switch off.

Someone was ambushed and stabbed on the N2... I used it yesterday evening, and the attack happened at dawn yesterday. I shall have to find an alternative route to visit Chanda.

Now all I have to do is write. All depends on the events of this week; indeed, today is the day. Please God may it all go according to plan in righteousness and justice, amen.

It is excellent that the computer guys have repaired the Ideapad. Very pleased. "God has created today for you and [me] to enjoy," says Jonathan. Yes, I can agree with that. Speakers, then. I'll try Paul first, then there's the Satanic audio shop, and I think it shouldn't be necessary to travel further afield than Cavendish.

Yes, the sound from the Tivoli is right for this time of the morning (6.41am) but for the daytime and evensong, you'll need the amp to provide the rich, warm sound of valves.

Skyping is slightly dodgy from here. But perhaps it just wasn't an opportune time to Skype. This machine has its own webcam but I've got an old one attached to the lid.

I may have got the impression that Phum may have been hinting that he wanted to come here if I was away; he works in Wetton whereas he lives in Gordon's Bay. Well, he wants to borrow Daisy. But that might work, if he wanted to stay here to look after the place while I was away. BUT his wife is about to drop another sprog so he'll be required at home.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Excellent, the Afternoon Room is wired for sound. A simple set-up, involving a netbook, an analogue radio, a mixer, an amplifier, and two speakers.

I have a spare input on the mixer for any future upgrade, e.g. an Internet Radio. It was a surprise to get wifi in here, but it is working, so an Internet Radio would work as well.

I'm using the last of the amplifiers that I have built - if I find Beit Chesed then I'll have to order yet another amp!

They're good little speakers. The amp appears to be excellent. I have control over the volume from the mixer which is on my desk.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have come from the Afternoon Room, which is chilly in Winter in the afternoon, to the Phrontistery again, where it is warm, and I have ignited the heater.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's 17 degrees, but I feel quite chilly. I have had to don my Mauve Jacket. Not the Mauve Smoaking Jacket, but the one I dyed, which was bright orange.

Fluff of Mustardland told me sometimes what I write is "beyond reason" which just goes to show the appalling gap between the vase, the radiator and the planet.

I'm deliciously tired. I got a call from Z.... she just called back. It's too tedious to go into detail but the people involved in the deal are incompetents and dealing with such people is always tiring.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the summer when I plan to spend more time in the Afternoon Room, which will be improved by the excellence of the audio in there now. The only slight thing was that playing media from the network was stuttery. I think that's the weakness of the wifi signal showing. Still, it's good enough for surfing.

I think a cup of aromatic coffee, with cream.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

The sound is better in here because of all the soft furnishings and the curtains. I do enjoy the Phrontistery.

I was in a 'strong' mood yesterday and encountered my new neighbour in the lift, with two others, including the Rabbi. I told her in no uncertain terms how she and her husband had discommoded me in the summer - they ruined last summer for me, in fact. I hope now that they will leave me alone. She had designs on me because I am young and so on, but now I don't think she will try anything on. The Wooftic Wrath was quite fierce.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

So it isn't the week, because of the irresponsibility of one B*hm. I just think people are careless, because they are thoughtless.

Anyway it's Thursday night, I wonder if there's anything on t' box. I never watch telly. If I wired up another box to the second cable running through into here, and used HDMI, I could switch between telly and the computer on the big screen. That's worth thinking about actually. I must sort out the projector first.

So I need to run the second cable through into here, via the ventilation (which has been papered over, so I'd have to puncture the wallpaper up there), and wire up a box, and feed the HDMI to the projector. All that could happen up near the ceiling, on the bookcase. Easily done, actually. If I had telly in here I might watch it more often. I feel I'm wasting my subscription.

Pantes paidizousi me mwre legontes.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Tired. Want a delicious Molotov cocktail. With teargas.

I bought some "Gouda" cheese from the 7-11 but I don't think it's very wise. wealthy nor wibbly to buy cheese at the 7-11.

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