This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Been asleep most of today. I've slept a lot these past few days. Listening to Doctor David's show on KARN News Radio. He's from Jo'burg by the sound of it, same stable as the 702 chap. It's warm today as well... Thursday was the most beautiful day, Friday I slept, today I went out in the afternoon.

Will Cohen reading the news.

News Radio 102.9 KARN.

Well I'm enjoying my den, very lux, very comfortable. I'll have to get my Comfy Chair re-upholstered and re-built, I don't want to throw it away, because it's the best chair I've ever had. I built it myself out of a flat pack from Boardmans when they were still on the corner in Claremont, in 2000. That building's been demolished now.

Happy days all.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

"Whoever can accept this, should."

That's a hard word from Jesus.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm feeling a bit chilly because I haven't eaten anything for a while. Solutions are three: put the heater on, put a jumper on, have something to eat.

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