This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK, it's the Day of Curtains and Joy today. Proclaim it in Ashkelon! Mention it in Gaza! Not that they would be very interested there, they've got other things on their minds in Gaza at the moment.

I had a very nice sleep, woke up at past seven, and now I'm about to go out and get cash for Nolita.

smiley - smiley


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Got a phone call from Israel, it was Abi asking about my interest in learning Hebrew at their Ulpan. I'm very interested and am considering it seriously, even this year. She's sent me a bunch of stuff about accommodation. I'd love to go to Israel again and learn Modern Hebrew. I really would. aval ani na'ar velo meivin et ha'olam ve'et hachaverot 'im ha'anashim.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Noise! NOISE!


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got my den back! Hoorah!

Electricity provision, tech, lighting. Computer.

Screen. Speakers.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Done most of the wiring. It's a lot neater than it used to be, mainly because the hifi is on the other side of the room. I've got more or less enough lighting in here now, too, which is nice. Five lamps.

The audio is working after a shaky start. Working perfectly now. The only thing to get working now, is the Entz Machine.

It's working perfectly, but the projector has taken a blow when they did the dampproofing. I'll probably go to the computer shop and get the same bloke round to adjust it for me.

Added a lamp. Six lamps in here now. Excellent. Books now - that's a schlep. I'll do it later.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've still got to get the printer working and the FM TX. I've put the electric heater on because I'm feeling the chill; it's 15 degrees outside. To think, it actually got down to 2 degrees this winter! Hectic. But this is my den now, it's got new windows, it's been dampproofed, and I've been through some hard times with the den, but it's fine now. It's dry in here. Not quite warm yet, but it is dry. Now I'm going to put my new clock up.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh, Ibrahim left a window wide open when he left, which is why the room wouldn't warm up. It's OK now, I closed it.

Tired. Falling asleep in my chair. I may well just go with it. It's lovely here. I've made a really nice den. Still got to do the books, though that'll take only about 10 minutes.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

I made the mistake of allowing myself to be hassled by a MLer and taking a photo of my den complete with electrics, now those people are hysterically screaming at me about my electrics, are they trying to pess me off on purpose?



Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Superb. I've got the printer working now. I've got another printer for Beit Chesed. And an amplifier, but no speakers as yet. Excellent. The only problem I have now, is where to put the music laptop. Under the table, probably.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh and I've got my funky telephone working too. What I need to do, is find a Telkom engineer and put Peet's ML telephone into the hall.

I need to extend a lamp off the oaken bookcase. It's dark at the chaise longue end. The lamp is already there, I just need a longer wire.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've done the lamp off the bookcase illuminating the corner, and I've installed an uplighter in the other corner. Now, the room is lit beautifully! Gosh, I'm so blessed. Thank you Father. Now heal me, please. The chaise longue is looking beautiful with its red throw. Really beautiful. And the curtains are beautiful too. We'll see how effective they are at keeping natural light out.

Loving my wallpaper. My den is the second most beautiful room in my flat, second to the Study. Pity Gerry didn't photograph this room as it is now. Never mind. I needn't use those photographs.

Father, hear the prayer we offer. Save and protect us from the evil one. It's ten degrees at the Airport.

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