This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Came home early from Chanda and Phumezo's. I think I just prefer being on my own; I can't stand the constant pressure of other people's vibes in the room. I have to be alone, to maintain mental sanity and balance. Otherwise I just get frustrated and unhappy. So I made my apologies and left at about 11pm... strange time to leave, but there we are, I got home at around midnight. I couldn't stand it any longer, kept having to get up and go out for a ciggie, just to escape the place. Nothing wrong with my friends, they are nice and good people; it's me who has the problem. Can't stand being around other people. I've been to the Father about it countless times and he seems pleased to leave me like this, so I'm not struggling against it any more. Except I have to make it to church some time. smiley - erm I don't like going to church. Have you noticed? I very rarely go any more. I got a gutful of being told how to live, frankly. And I can read the Scriptures for myself, I don't need some pastor telling me what he thinks they mean. I can read them in Greek and Hebrew. As for fellowship, I never seem to have that, and I've tried a long time in my life to hang around in churches after the "service", which never availed anything except intense loneliness. So I stopped going. Now he wants me going again. I'll have to, even though I don't want to.

Pueri mihi non placeunt parvi, non amo filios cum paucos habeant annos. Sed mihi non placeunt alteri gentes nequequam in loco quo habitationem habeo meam.

It's easy to write in Latin because they used the same alphabet, or rather, we use their alphabet. Hebrew and Greek use different alphabets.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Listening to some Priaulx Rainier - born in Howick! I had heard of her of course but never knew any of her music. She is called "South African-British". Lived her childhood in Natal and her adult life in Britain. French Huguenot father, English mother.

Unbelievable opening to a piece of music. "de cette parade..."


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Wallpaper man coming round to "look" at my walls. I wonder when he is coming to actually put the paper up. And the curtains, too. I'm not going to pay them until they have finally finished all the work to my satisfaction.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

David Icke spieling his spiel, the same old stuff, I wish he wouldn't repeat himself. Apparently in the 90's no-one wanted to know about this stuff, but now people are agogging for it.

They are doing my wallpaper now; and tomorrow they are coming to fit the curtains! Yay! that's excellent. Really pleased. So on Tuesday night I can move back into my den, at last.

The Lounge has served me well, but it's time to go back into my den again. A new, redesigned den, with added features. I'll have to check my audio cables to see if I need any more.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I think I've got enough audio cables, just not sure about the FM transmitter, if I can reach it from the mixer. I may have to do some extending. We'll see when the time comes. The TX has to be where it is, because of the antenna lead, which is short. So it's a matter of wiring it to the monitor output of the mixer. I may well have to have an extended cable made up for it.

We shall see in due course.

They are here scraping away at the walls... they are hanging the wallpaper after that. Then tomorrow come the curtains! Yay!

So tomorrow evening I shall be moving back into my den, at long, long last. I've got a project I want to start. In the meantime there is a disk to be made up with the files of Volume 2 of Words from the Word. Once I've got that done I'll take it to the printer and have a printing done... no idea how Sindi is coming on with the Xhosa translation.

Preached the Gospel to the wallpaper man this morning.

Listened to Lutoslawski's Cello Concerto this morning. What a piece! Stunning.

Now I've got Tippett's The Blue Guitar, another astonishing piece of 20th Century music. The 20th Century was brilliant for music, imagine all that happened between 1900 and 2000... too amazing, we had Rachmaninov at one end, and Thomas Ades at the other. Mark Antony Turnage. Amazing. I wonder what the 21st century will bring.

The wallpaper is absolutely stunning, I am delighted to be authorised to report. It's going to look so beautiful in my den. Tomorrow come the curtains; tomorrow evening I shall move everything back in there, designing carefully. Oh, I need a throw for the chaise longue. I can get that tomorrow, don't know whence, perhaps Mr Price Home or Woolworths or possibly that shop Rupee in Stellenbosch. Yeah, I should go there first. Early bed tonight then, and up at eight, to get to Stellenbosch early? Need to make sure Mamacos don't want to come in the morningzone. Perhaps I should wait until they've finished before buying the throw. I just want it to look stunning from the get-go, as they say. In the meantime I've got a colourful blanket I can throw over the chaise.

It looks beautiful. I'm so thrilled. I'll have a beautiful den. All clean and lovely. I just hope the projector isn't too badly out of kilter... it does look a bit skew. I may have to get someone in to look at it.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've just had an idea... I could go for a month in Israel to an Ulpan to learn Modern Hebrew by deep and swift sudden immersion. That would be excellent - I've got a head start. I just need the right stimulation to get all that passive vocab into my "active" folder.

Ken, ani rotseh lelameid et-Ivrit beYisrael.

Yeah, why not? Why not indeed. I wonder where one would go to organise that. I'd obviously prefer decent accommodation and not be billeted in a sleeps-60 dorm with hardly any bedclothes and gravel for breakfast.

Hmm, I must make enquiries.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

That should be lilmod, of course, not lelameid.

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