This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Doing yesterday's Journal today. I forgot my hootoo password so I couldn't get on. The dongle's no good for Skype, it seems, at least, not where my friends live.

Nice and warm now.

It's jolly cold out. The sort of weather that makes me say, Never another Cape winter. But I should be going upcountry to somewhere like Vanrhynsdorp or Calvinia, to look for a small apartment as a second home, so that I can get away from Cape Town when it all gets a bit much. I should love to buy in Jo'burg but if you're going to have 2 homes in South Africa, one of them had better be in the country. No point having 2 city dwellings. But Jo'burg is a special city. Anyway the new place ("Beit Chesed") can be a stopping place to get to Jo'burg from. I think Vanrhynsdorp is a good idea, but we'll see what the state of the property market is like there. I want to buy as cheaply as possible but without sacrificing quality (don't want a new build as they are usually jerry-built).

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