This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Slept through the morningtune. Blessed. Watching Revelation TV.

Clear, sweet, loving message. Oh what refreshment is a Gospel message to one's heart.

Jesus is Lord.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Had an idea last night, that the doctrine of the Trinity is about relationality, and is anything BUT abstract; it is a description of the most basic and foundational reality in humanity and divinity - relationality. Relating. Being towards. kai ho logos en PROS ton Theon.

This is relationality. This is relating. PROS.

I was helped by a woman. She came alongside me, and I worked well. Yet she left me high and dry, and my work suffered, I got confused, and freaked out a bit.

So I see how a woman helps a man.


Chap named Heap says the "Lord's Supper" is an unbiblical name. It isn't; it's in 1 Cor 11:20. to kyriakon deipnon, which is almost literally the Lord's Supper, or literally The Lordly Supper.

Was greatly blessed earlier, now I have to stand, stand, and stand.

Am a bit worried about this Heap fellow. He seems to say that believers must observe the Sabbath (Saturday) - well, I will, if I believe God says we must. Apparently the Fathers changed it from Saturday to Sunday, presumably because of anti-Semitism; and the early church used to celebrate the feast of unleavened bread and other Hebrew feasts too. Easter and Christmas apparently pagan. Well, I don't know. What I do know is Paul says don't make others keep the days you yourself keep; one man keeps this day, another keeps that; the important thing is that they are keeping them to the Lord. I have no objection to being taught new things, as long as they are true! I want to learn as much as I can, obviously! I am very poor in my knowledge, really. I know a bit of theology, and the more philosophical theology, but as CT Studd says, that's really irrelevant to building the church and adorning the Bride. Heap says some good stuff as well. I think as in all man's teachings, you eat the fish and spit out the bones.

Oh well, we stand, we stand, we stand.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well, I discerned what I called the 'spirit of Christianity' which I could see, feel and taste, and I don't think it felt like the Holy Spirit, it was a created spirit, I am pretty sure. It reminded me of the spirit masquerading as the revelation of grace, which a friend of mine had. Nasties today... because I was enjoying God so much earlier. Oh well, Jesus will kick them out.

Church. Liturgical? The same thing happening every Sunday? "Worship leader"? I remember in Claremont Methodist the worship leader hypnotised the congregation, and the pastor came and spoke nonsense to them! I don't know whether that was God or not! I felt it wasn't, so I ran out; I wasn't prepared to be 'put under' by a big woman up front, and then have a pastor coming and speaking strange propositions, contradictions and so on, logically irrational sentences, I thought it was dreadful.

Then there was a chap "leading the worship" who shouted out, "You haven't the glory, praise and honour" - only he made it sound like "you have the glory" etc. I took fright and ran out of that meeting.

"Move in the context I'm giving you"... well, we are told to preach the Word. I don't know about this "praise and worship" at the beginning. I remember a meeting at a beautiful fellowship in Sittingbourne, which was just the Holy Spirit. That was nice.

I don't like "church" where there is a pop group at the front, and there's someone "leading"... I don't know whether that is Biblical. It's when people gather and someone is inspired and begins to sing in the Spirit.

God loves that spontaneity. "He is a person" - the Spirit is a person. I believe that he is. That chap I was talking about says that he isn't. He says he is the action of the Son and the Father on men. Well I disagree; the Spirit takes what is Jesus' and makes it known to us. I will send you another Comforter. Parakletos. I think the traditional understandings of the Spirit are right. This Midnight Ministries are a bit funny, although he does say some good stuff too.

Witness to the Jews

Through the Shekinah.


ich denke, ich haette lieber den Heiligen Geist, als Drogen. Der Geist ist besser als Drogen, mit ihren begleitenden Daemonen, von denen ich schon genug gehabt. Ja, ich habe die Rocks fuer das letzte Mal gescored. Schon genug gehabt. Das ist ein sehr anstrengender Stand, als der boese Geist herauskommt. Nie wieder. Er steht zwischen mir und meinem Herren und das kann ich nicht erlauben.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Dave wrote in to Alan saying "the foolishness of God is far wiser than the wisdom of man". I think he was having a slight go. How justified he was, I don't know.

Having to battle to stand tonight.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's late. I'm feeling tired and will go to sleep shortly. night night.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I really went through it this evening, it was awful, but I'm through it now, and better again, and well, I just had to stand. Oh it was terrible. I really had to stand on the Word, and then, when I had done that, indeed, when I had done everything, I just had to stand --- just stand --- and Jesus gave me the victory. Standing on the promises of God, in faith.

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