This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Emergency times are upon us. God is calling us to get close to him and to hide in him and to keep our eyes on him. He says I am your only refuge in the times that are to come and that have come. Come close to me and get yourselves on a war footing. Drop everything that is unnecessary and concentrate on staying close to me. Know the times, and ask for a discerning spirit, to know what's happening.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

The Greek for the 'strong delusion' of 2 Thess 2:11 is 'energeia planes' or 'straying energy', 'wandering energy', 'energy of perversion'. They are talking about the phenomenology of faith again, the light that we see by, well the light that those who can see, see by. Some of us are blind and cannot see the light. We who are blind are obliged to walk by faith, because we cannot see where we are going except by faith. Night is coming when no-one can work - except for those who have walked in darkness all along, of course. For us there will be no difference; when the sightlings are suddenly plunged into darkness and can no longer see, then those of us who have learnt to walk by faith and not by sight, will come into our own. (About time too, you may say.) We shall at last take the lead, who have been at the tail end all our lives. Those who are used to seeing, will be suddenly blind, whereas those of us who are blind, will see by faith.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Those who were blind, the poor in spirit, like Jonathan was (remember that?) they shall see, whereas those who can see, like the radio guys, will become blind. That is why Jesus said, For judgement I have come into this world.

Listening to CCFM in a slightly bad temper because of the enthusiasm about the light; I am in total darkness, bearing the sins of the people outside the camp, outside the city wall, as it is written, Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore (Hebrews 13:13) For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come. "Bearing the disgrace he bore" - powerful words. I aver, even more powerful than the ones about receiving the light.

"revolution" again... Savage says there's been a revolution in the world. I see everything going downhill fast, and God saying Come close to me, all you who hear my word, and hide in me, for I am your refuge in the days to come, that are upon us. The US is crumbling, the UK is sinking into a morass of wickedness, Israel appears to be on the brink yet again... the places of power are in gross disturbance.

Saw a fascinating documentary about Jimmy Savile last night. It seems he was a transdimensional sorcerer who lived on "occult energies". He might even have been a Man of Sin as a sort of runner up for the main act. Nasty... wheeling that poor girl in hospital, eating her soul. Yes, I remember that.

Those who mocked that documentary as insanity and tinfoil hat etc, well, they are helpless aren't they. Slaves to any and every wind that might care to blow hither and thither.

I'm tired now. Heard Zuma, he sounded terrible. Poor bloke, they've hollowed him out and filled him up with evils and emptied his heart of joy and filled it with numb despair.

Where is the joy on CCFM? I sit here feeling dissatisfied and pissed off. It is as if the dark energies that fill Muizenberg are coming through the radio and clustering round me, making me feel dissatisfied and pissed off. Shades of Islamism in Jonathan again this morning. Focus on the Family dwelling on psychologism and murk, playing in the mud. They have made an idol out of the nuclear family and they have made an idol out of marriage and out of "relationships".

I'm hungry. And CCFM is just pissing me off this morning. Focus just takes your eyes off God and puts them onto your dysfunctional emotional life. That's not how you do it. You keep your eyes on the Word and look off up to Jesus, whereas these people keep their eyes on your own problems. smiley - cross


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I had to encourage Jonathan to walk by faith rather than by sight. These CCFM types all walk by sight! No wonder Lynwen is so recalcitrant. She is dependent on sight, and when she can't see what she needs to see, she's paralysed. No faith, you see. Not real faith, the faith that sees blind. Just faith in what she already has faith for.

Oh well.

Fear is the opposite of faith. That's her problem - not made perfect in love. Meanwhile I sit.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Real faith doesn't just see blind: it walks on the basis of that blind seeing. This is real faith, and you will come a cropper more times that you want to, while you are learning it. These "Christians" only have faith in what they can see. That isn't faith at all really, it's walking by sight. Meanwhile they all shake their heads over me and because they walk by sight, they look and find things they disapprove of. Helga's the same. She walks by sight as well. If they won't listen to me they'll have to listen to God. Helga has already discovered what it's like when God gets pissed off with you.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm tired. I don't want to go out. I should have slept last night. Oh well. But I don't want to go to bed either, because I'd be missing out on the day. Perhaps I'll just doze the morning away. That sounds like a plan. smiley - sleepy


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well I don't know when I fell asleep - I think at around 10 - and I slept deeply until a quarter to five pm. Feeling great now. That was a really good sleep.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right, I have had some fun today, doing some girder work.

The girder work of experience.

We have people who loudly and angrily assert that we must be multiculti and accept other ways of being, like being gay, disabled, black.

The very same people pour scorn on people with world views that differ from their own.

Big dissonance


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

There's a whole industry around gaiety but these people are totalitarian! Obviously it's nothing new, but we've seen it today really clearly. This leftist thing is a totalitarianism. If you show them to be bankrupt and empty, they run along to find someone to accuse of bigotry or homophonia. It makes them feel better. It's the basis of their lives: accusing people of bigotry and anti-gay. That's their main purpose in life and what gives their lives meaning. What a foundation to build on! The thing is, they now know that it's all exposed as a house of cards.

They couldn't say "I may not be omniscient".

They realise that their lives are precariously built on a hope that no-one will ask them why they think they are omniscient.

Adam wasn't deceived, Eve.

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