This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Had a lovely sleep, 12 hours of it. Had a very nice dream.

Listening to the radio.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Someone said, "The Sou..

but I can't be bothered with repeating nonsense. I'd rather make up nonsense of my own.

Well it's another evening at Shem Elohim. Another night of thrills, spills and extraordinary entertainmentalism.

People wandering around like the recently lobotomised. Stumbling over rocks in the street.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Reading an article about theology. Terribly complicated but also very simple positions about God and the future. Well, someone asked the question about determinism in a house group once, and the Word of the Lord came unto me, and I did prophesy, and spake, and said, and answered: The Lord is called Emmanuel. He is with us, making events with us. The Word unfolds, and with us, we start in chaos, like the Creation narrative, and the Holy Spirit hovers over us and forms order out of chaos. Events are the product of this brooding and giving birth to time. Time isn't an empty blank canvas; it is made as we go along. In front of us is not an empty stretch like an empty room; it is Eternity.

Now, there is no such thing as the past, it has gone. There is no such thing as the future, it is not yet. There is only NOW. Time doesn't exist as a chronological span. As it is written, 1,000 years is like a day and a day is like 1,000 years. We just move around within a time called Today, which is Bible-speak for "now".

I think before we can have open theology etc, we must get clarity on what is "future" and whether it is a meaningful concept in a world under God.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Rush has finished, and it's Doc Washburn on now. I like KARN. It is an goodly station. Don't listen to the religious lot any more. Listening to that radio station was like being flayed alive by Uruguayans.

I prefer to enjoy a calm and quiet radio listening experience.

Israel are having rockets and bombs and so on because the people are unhappy because Israel are blessed and they aren't. I've had the same in my life. I've had to live under constant bombardment from witches and Satanists. Thank God, that has stopped now. I can live in peace. nyn de rotseh ani lilqoah et-ha'ishshah asher bachar li adonai otah lihyot knegdi.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Peet's ML has become hopelessly slow and useless now.

Listening now to CCFM which is they cool Hip Hop programme, they have some excellent music. I've learnt by now now to expect to receive anything in the way of anything other than mockery and scorn from the actual people doing it, so I don't SMS in any more, but the music's good.

The difficulty is that eischeth chajil is involved with all these people, institutionalised Christianity, rather than the Biblical faith which I espouse, and whether she will ever get over her fear and so on, and learn to trust God enough to do what he wants, is something I often wonder about. Comme d'habitude je me trouve au-dela des activites de la nouvelle vie locale, personne ne veut s'occuper avec l'ecrivain. They accuse me of their own sin. Totally irrational from a Biblical point of view, a) they have no business accusing anyone of anything, b) accusation is not what you think it is; it is not standing objectively and showing another person's sin, that isn't what's happening, because we're all caught up in the same human predicament.

Accusation is merely a sinner voicing his or her own sin, which comes to his or her attention through the presence of a like sin in another person. It's not the other person's sin you are giving expression to, but your own.

If Christians could really understand and digest this simple point, their fellowships would be made so much more pleasant, at a stroke.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

The future doesn't exist; there's no such thing as the future. We observe cultures with only a very weak grasp of the concept of future time.

There's no such thing as the future, Lady M. We see cultures with a weak grasp of the concept of the future (the Xhosa are an example of this). I see people tying themselves up in knots trying to work out philosophically how God can know everything including the future and we can be free at the same time. But I say that this is a mistake of method. Because we cannot talk about the future as if we were God. For us in time, the future doesn't exist, and we cannot speak about it as if it did, for to do so, would be to try to be God. So all that quasi philosophy can be dismissed as completely irrelevant to everything. "Open theology" can be safely ignored, it's all bolleaux.

The only time that is, is NOW. The Bible calls it "today". The past is important, and the Bible recognises this; we look back and remember what God has done in the past for our fathers. But for us practically the only time that matters is TODAY.

Today resonates with the echo from the End of Time. It is textured with the expectancy of the imminent return of Jesus. (This in case anyone thinks that a cast of mind only having today and not tomorrow, is liable to become fatalist.)

So we work as unto God, because he is here and he is watching and there is a Judgement.

But the future. Well, there is hope. Hope, it is said, is an anchor for the soul, and it doesn't disappoint. We hope for the return of Jesus. That is our hope, Christ in us, the hope of glory.

Anyway my point is the future only exists in hope, and not in thought, and to try to work out God's relationship with the future as if we had a standpoint outside time so as to be able to talk about it objectively, is a mistake of method.

As far as we're concerned, God relates to us now, today, and that's as far as we are supposed to go, and indeed, as far as we are able to go without falling into meaninglessness.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Mountains out of Molehills, Inc.

What is untoward about the flat the lady was renting?

Was it a meth lab, by any chance?

I bet it was a meth lab. OK, the house popped up on a crime TV show.

But don't make me listen to that lady's voice any more.

Oh My Goodness - a serial killer had used the basement as a torture and murder basement. OMG. The table and chairs were used as torture instrumentations. OMG.

Where Travis actually videotaped some of his crimes. Some of the victims were tied to a pole in the basement - shades of Breaking Bad.

She doesn't want to live there. She wanted out of the lease, but the landlord said No, you signed the lease. I think she might have a case. But the landlord. But the landlord is the serial killer's mother. Oh dear. The TV station called the landlord, who claimed she told the woman about the house's dark past. So they went to an estate agent and asked if you had to tell about serial killers. No you don't. So now someone thinks there should be a law saying that if a serial killer tortured people in a house, the estate agent should disclose it.

Unfortunately I cannot understand the accent of the lady on the radio in the soundbites so I don't know what's going on. It's very irritating. They should have subtitles. Just a sort of strange metallic noise going neow neow neow. It's allegedly English, but not as we know it, Jim.

They should incentivise their recommendations. Chap on the radio tonight, saying people must get ready to preach the Gospel etc. Well yeah. I need help; I can write, but the practical side involves stuff that I'm not so good at. I might buy myself a double-sided photocopier. It could go in the ... no, not the Afternoon Room, there's no room. There isn't much room in the flat for things any more. The Drawing Room is about the only place where I might consider putting a big machine like a double sided photocopier. But it would ruin the aesthetic of the room. If could go, if it were a desktop machine, on the desk in the Afternoon Room. Yeah.

I want to be able to produce my tracts from home, without having to go to the copy shop. Well I do have a big photocopier in the laundry room, but it's a bit inaccessible because of various things in the way. Basically I need a double-sided printer/photocopier. On the other hand the copy shop is cheap. Basically I want to avoid having to do all the folding! But I think that's basically inevitable. Unless I go to the township and find someone to do it for me for a certain Randage per 100 tracts. Yeah that's a good idea.

Anyway I wrote a new tract this evening. And I've printed the sole existing copy in the world. I suppose I need to take the cover and the text files to the copy shop and get them printed out, 500 copies or more, tomorrow. Then I need to take them to a township woman who wants to earn some money, and show her how I want them folded (it's only one fold) and tell her if she tolds them I will give her R50 for each 200 she folds. That's money for old rope. Far more than anyone else would give, but I see it as a way of redistributing wealth.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Mr Wally Oo. Probably of Thai descent, he listens to the radio at night, and writes letters to newspapers during the day. He inherited great wealth and uses it to buy food and drink. They are going to forcibly drug people and imprision you in California. His wife Nadia Lockyear had a wee meth addiction. Her husband is the treasurer of the State of California. She had a fall in her home. Recovering from meth addiction. Meth addiction. If you use a hose in your garden in California they will fine you. Meanwhile the pot growers are draining Northern California dry apparently. All because of the most dangerous entry-level drug God put on the planet, apparently. I would disagree with that, I think there are more dangerous drugs than weed. Meth, for instance, that is an extremely dangerous substance. Only an utter, utter fool becomes addicted to methamphetamine. Unfortunately it is commonly found amongst certain peoples. Where is the outrage? Where is the representation of us the personages?


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Somewhere, it is always Monday, said Wally Oo.

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