This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Had tea.

smiley - tea

It was lekker.

I think someone is going to have to get used to my particular usage of irony in speech and writing.

I use heavy irony at times.

Really heavy irony.

So I'm to be a schoolteacher am I? How exciting!

Someone wants me to pursue her. Don't know how...

So it's off to Muizenberg today. I must get the cash out of the machine first. Pack a bag. BUT I want to go to Stellenbosch in the morning, to see Zelda and thank her in person for getting my Wilfie back for me.

Do I have to get my hair cut? smiley - sadface I hope not. I like it. It's serious: all my life I've been self-conscious about my hair, and I never found a haircut that I liked. Then when I grew it long, I found I like it this way. I think it looks good. But when I get married, my wife will have authority over my body, so she gets to decide whether I have to have my hair cut or not.

So, to Stellenbosch in Wilfie (yay) and then after 2, to Muizenberg where I shall be at a self-catering place without a kitchenette. Huh.

I'll stay in Muizenberg for as long as it takes.

I'll take a change of clothes I suppose, I should be there for about a week. But I can always come back and change my clothes here.

Yeah, actually. Anyway I"ll need to take this machine and probably a dongle as well. Let's hope the data in my dongle will last.

Angus said today, "Stop judging people". Yeah.

Last night was amazing, and I learnt something central, don't worry about it, just rest and be confident that what he has started, he is faithful to complete.

Beautiful Jesus.

I can finish formatting Words Vol 2 which may take a while because these things tend to.

I'm excited. God is moving. He is about to do something really grand in my life.

Helga is going to be so much better after God's finished dealing with her. It's my privilege to have been able to contribute to this next step in her sanctification.

OK, I'm listening to CCFM with Jonathan and John.

Then after nine I'll go to Stellenbosch.

I want to know whether I'll be able to drive with the top down to Stellies. I promise you it's the greatest, driving with the top down.

Let God arise. Let his people worship him.


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