This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Tired today. It's fairly chilly with a weak sunshine. Not much doing today.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

We are having trouble printing Words. I don't know why. It is extremely vexing. I have to do yet another proofing after the text has been rendered into a different format using different software.

I must get on with work. I have Volume 2 to complete, then I have to think about Volume 3, which is to be based on the Jewish readings of the Law and Prophets in the Chumash.

It will be a work on the fundamental revelation of our faith, the Mosaic revelation, with its prophetic commentary.

Words from the Word.

They must hurry up with several things before I can start work again.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Amerikan public radio is half content and half advertising. Just had a very sad advert about bullying at school. How do people even manage to survive without God? I can't get my mind around it. Hand sanitisers when you go on an airplane. How the iuoi did we manage to survive until now, without all these sanitisers and wipes and so on? It's just ridiculous, and what is more ridiculous is that people actually swallow this stuff.

Funny chap on now.

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