This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I intended to go to the bank this morn, but I have dozed and slept until now, 11.30am, and am feeling low so I'll carry on. I just can't face going out today. I get this: I get bad days, when I don't want to go out.

I've got a cold, which is probably why I am feeling so physically low.

Back to sleep. Oh, I listened to Michael Savage.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh, and I believe Lynwen reads this.

Hello Lynwen! When am I going to be acceptable to you? I've slain so many dragons my dearest; perhaps it's time you for kiss the frog.

Thinking of you and we are in the Spirit. Bless you.

Love and respect.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh Lynwen, I was badly attacked this afternoon. heavy attention from the enemy. It's at times like this when I would really love someone to stand with me, you know? I've been standing alone against really hard oppression for decades, and I'm hoping God's sending me someone to stand with my. I'm on God's side, and you're by my side.

But he has long since taught me how to stand and pray, so I stood and prayed, and I'm OK again now. But it's horrible, being under attack, as you will know; and it's very lonely if you've got no-one to help.

But I have learnt warfare by having to stand alone.

I miss you, Lynwen. I'm doing my best to stop using but I may need you to come and meet me half way - you are my helper, my support, and I need help and support, sweetheart.

Last night was lovely in the Spirit but wow, I had to pay for it today. "Let's kill him" said the voices behind the walls. Whenever I get a blessing from God, the enemy always follows up with a horrible attack.

Do you need an amplifier? I've got a valve one I built myself. You might like it.

See you soon... please... and be well with your tonsils.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

But Lynwen, this is important: please seek God and God alone, in all matters concerning me. 3 years ago you wanted to come and stay with me. I think that would be marvellous. It would help me in so many ways and you would love it here. So stop listening to your mother, and to your friends, and get alone with God and hear what he has to say. Please. You clearly didn't the last time when you wanted me to be immediate - God showed you that that can't happen because of my folly for Christ.

You are rare in that you are humble enough to take on someone like me. And believe me, I am -- well just ask the Lord to show you how much I need you. Please, go to God for all this. That's what I do. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding, or that of your friends, or your pastor, or your mother. You are grown up and you must stand on your own two feet with God now. Please sweetheart. Just go to God and hear from him. And obey him.

Come and stay in my spare room at Shem Elohim.

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