This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

The reason I miss the odd day is that when I click on "My Space" to start another day's Journal, the server takes forever to arrive on the page, by which time I've found something else to do. It's been like this since they moved away from the BBC. Say anything about it and you get .

I've been asleep most of the day.

Complacency. How God hates complacency. We're OK, of course. It's the other who's got the "problem". Then God puts the boot on the other foot and all you get is sullen. Sullen. Good word to describe those who thought they had it all worked out, only to be shown, through someone they long since deemed unsuitable, that their manifestation of Christ leaves MUCH to be desired. Of course no-one listens to the one God sends. Mark 12:1-12. Nothing changes.

So what's God going to do? We await his good pleasure.

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