This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

This morning I want to:

Go to the copy shop and have 1 copy made of the viola part of the Sonatina.

Get my etymological dictionary printed.

Phone Mowbray bookshop, find out about ref books.

Phone Mamacos

Go to Barksole to find key chain

Go to junk shop with books.

Give books to Michael

Go to PO Box

Right, that will be this morning's activities. I have to make a note of how I have subdivided the etymological dictionary so it's easier in the shop.

Mowbray is important, I need those refs.

Oh I also need to find out from Andrew how far he is with the book. He said he was going to hand it in to the printer today.

We have to go to the Bank when he does that, because they need paying fifty percent up front.

I was going to make a payment via EFT but I've forgotten what it was. That's annoying.

Right, well, another day. We're busy busy today. I've got to decide whether to sell Leiwater. Remember I get RXK a month from the properties, that I wouldn't otherwise be getting, and that more than covers Bergville's income. But I must be SO disciplined. Monies to be used for house, doing it up, car, and so on.

OK. Apart from that list of jobs to do, the first thing to happen in this move of the Shem Elohim Renovation Project (Phase III) is the carpenter coming round to hang the den door the other way round. This will free up a load of space in here.

It strikes me that I could bite the bullet and go and order a power shower as well. I need them to get behind the wall, to fix the leak. So I might examine my options. Perhaps a new shower cubicle. Whole new shower. Now I'm not going to replace the bath in there because it's very beautiful, I can lie down in it, it's big. The only other thing I was thinking of was a cork tile floor in there.

My goodness, it's nine degrees at the Airport. That is about as cold as it gets, hereabouts. Well we get down to 8 sometimes.

I've got to wonder how am I going to heat Beit Chesed? I've also got to find out about amenities in the dorp I'm going to. Can you get gas?

Also whom am I going to ask to do my interiors? Can't ask Gerry because look what happened last time. No Martin or Rasta here. Ideally I'd like V to come and do it.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Remember the junk shop guy likes Joyce. It really is time God started to work amongst his people. By teaching. But he has to make the people hear. I can't do that. The first half of your life was making straight the way of the Lord. that's why everyone kept on talking about the Baptist. The second half of your life is the Lord. This is why people talk about Jesus. So rest, relax, get your energy. Because God's gonna use you.

Right, Nolita coming soon, then at nine I need to be at the copy shop. I may drive, or I may take the taxi, I don't know yet which.

We need a revival of holiness and also of intolerance towards that woman. Oh yeah. I don't want my people hearing hell's torments and thinking Ohhhh this is goooood. Now just remember how it works: you can't write a word, unless the Lord gives it to you. Remember the Extended Essay and the dissertation at Aberdeen? Not a clue, until the Lord showed you. Nothing has changed, don't worry. We'll sort things out when we come to them. (Yes Lord how about a partner so I have someone to enjoy in the evenings instead of you know? If you want me that desperately clean, why can't you provide someone to help? Why is it always No Not For You? Michael said no. They call me Satanist do they? They are scared of me? Well why don't they go to God to find out? They did: Deut. 6. So do it again.

Perhaps God wants you to understand and know that he is bigger than we are.

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