This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well! Another Monday. I woke up at around 5.20 and decided to get up. Feeling a tad delikatny this morningtune. My stitch has come out (most of it). I had the dentist on Thursday luncheontide and now I'm OK again, more or less. Read about Victoria Coren. She's a big girl. Went to Oxford, was up around the same time I was. But I never knew anyone at Oxford. I used to hang out with Mad Eddie and Richard House and that Scouser lab technician Dave. Used to drink Guinness to take away the pain.

Got the fire on. Its chilly out. Well, 18 degrees. Andrew says he wants to come round today for work on the book.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm clear on my social vision. It's a revivalist society, a reformationalist society, a society of believers in God, and lovers of God and of each other as themselves; it's also a Personalist society, as the Constitution will be based on the principles of theological Personalism.

Some people may say, that we have to wait for the Millennium for my vision to come to pass. I don't know. If you believe that things are going to get worse before the End, then perhaps my vision will only come to pass in the New Earth. Because it requires that no-one hate or fear or take advantage, but that everyone share and love and give.

To everyone according to their need, from everyone according to his ability.

Well anyway it's been a day of hard playing and hard thinking. I've thought about society today. Clarified my social vision a bit. Bracing.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

My friend Andrew the filmmaker, I was chatting with him just now, dear old Andrew, he is a very gifted man, so insightful, and it hurts him, his gift. I know what that's like. It's like a knife turning in your soul. And all the housewives can do is judge and condemn. Don't you want my work? Don't you care that it makes me happy? No, you just care about your ******** reputation. God's going to blast your precious reputation. She cut me off just because she was worried about her precious reputation. Well the station as a whole deemed me unfit to appear on their precious, holy airwaves. It's TOTALLY ironic of course because they're so unholy and so unfaithful and so heretical and unorthodox. And unloving. And untrue to my God. That's why they're so hung up on their reputation, and why they silenced me, sent to them from God, to teach them, no, they failed the test, the drugs test. They failed it. They are literalists, they don't actually read the Bible, they sort of read off it, trying to find rules to fit their little minds' conception of what is a holy text. Silliness! But it's cost me my health and my work and my happiness really, until God restored work to me in the form of music.

They did me a great wrong. And they will know that they had a prophet amongst them. They failed the test of hospitality as well. It's like the priest and the levite. I was lying on the side of the road, beat up, incapable of helping myself, and she just stood there and shouted at me and then, finally, walked off. And I'm still lying on the side of the road, bleeding. God's had to send his holy Angels to minister to me, because no other bugger will. Only Andrew (not you, van der Merwe, the other Andrew) stops and passes the time of day with me. And Sunny. She's very sweet. These people both hurt and are in pain, which is why they stopped and gave me a drink and a dressing and a pillow for my head. The healthy, naah, they just walk by and shake their heads and tut tut. Just like the priests at Jesus' crucifixion, shaking their heads and tut tutting. Thanks guys, it's been real... not.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm really pleased with the Little Sonata but it doesn't seem to be as good as the Theme and Variations in people's eyes. Oh well. I'll just have to hope for another idea and another piece and hopefully I can surpass the Theme and Variations one day.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Did a lot of thinking about community and family and so on today. It all come together, co-ordinated by my theological personalism. Great. Really pleased.

In the world community doesn't exist as a separate entity. In the Kingdom it does. Community is prior to family. A family home is a place where members of the community might gather, to learn how to love.

You see if someone falls outside of a family, in the world, there's nowhere to go.

But in the Kingdom if I am without a family, I may go to someone else's house and take part in their family. That's what God promises "I will settle the lonely in families" (look it up). So the practice of the poor communities I've seen here, is actually Biblical.

So, the basic unit is community, which forms around homes.

Families are open. Homes are open. Marriages are open, in that a wife has time for everyone, not just her own husband and children. Similarly a man may be called upon to father someone else's child. Boys and girls may be called upon to be brothers and sisters to a stranger.

So the drug addict, seeking help, all he has to do is turn up at the home of the person who has taken on responsibility for his care, by condemning him and isolating him.

Can you imagine what would happen if I tried this? They'd call the police. But not without first trying to make me eat their shame.

I have actually done it before, and I was kicked out.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've worked out more of my idea.

James 2:14-17

Jesus on family (son in law; enemies own household)

Romans 13 "be practising hospitality"

Theology of trinity, two and three, couple makes a home

Two better than one (single people exempt from open house)

Openness, welcome

Faith without works

Social gospel brought home

Home is where the rubber hits the road

Welcoming people in as God welcomes us in

In the past month or so I've been really growing in God, it's been fantastic.

Now I've got a new chapter about to begin, the biggest new thing since I moved back in 2010.

Platteland and work

Very happy at the moment. God is smiling and saying Yes I'll do it all.

I love him. I am in love with him. First love. Beautiful. So happy.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Tract ideas: 1 John 5:19 holos ho kosmos en toi poneroi keitai

Romans 12:13 ten philoxenian diwkontes

Both of these Scriptures merit a tract.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

So I told her, This is the Kingdom, there are rules.

I nearly said, This isn't Vietnam, this is the Kingdom, there are rules. (The Big Lebowski)

I've got 2 more tract ideas.

Must get Vol 2 ready with the files and so on, ready to print.

There was something else I had to do but I can't remember what it was

Get fuel gauge and hazards done

Do Sipho's insurance

Get gas

Get printer cartridge

Something else that I can't remember.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

I think I've got to take Daisy to PG Autoglass but it's far. I'll have to ring and see where else I can do it. Annoying but it has to be done.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well it's been an amazing day. Now I'm just resting in God's arms, thanking him for his love and his forgiveness and his mercy and kindness and his Jesus. I am happier than I've been for a very long time. All because of my God. I was a bit hyper earlier but I've calmed down now.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh I've got to do Daisy, that's right, both the fuel gauge and the hazards, AND the insurance. That's right. Oh dear. Tomorrow I have to:

Phone Sipho's insurance

Find out about dampproofing

Phone Mamacos

Try to get a date for new windows

Phone Alan (Daisy)

Think about Bergville

Think about books (LSJ, OED, also get Etymological Dicts redone)

Go to print shop and get music printed

Print out Sonatina parts if not already done


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

Community is prior to family. The community is the basic unit of society; the family provides the community with a place to love.

God's family is prior to biological family. If someone needs care, they are to be taken in by one of his fathers and mothers. By one of his brothers and sisters. One of his uncles and aunts. "I will settle the lonely in families" (ref.)

He will get homes, husbands, wives. Mark 10:29-30 clinches it.

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