This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right, I've finished the Little Sonata

At 8.30 I'm off to Khayelitsha to get some books to Thami.

Then Mimi and I are going to the Mall to hand out the rest of the books.

I'll probably stay in Khayelitsha.

Time for a cup of hot, steaming tea.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Cosi fan tutte? In that case I must stay single. I will not have that sort of bs in my home.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am so pleased with the Little Sonata. I think it's one of my best yet. I'd have possibly preferred, from a personal point of view, to have come up with something for the finale (in the end I used something from the abandoned cello Suite) but it works, really well. I'm delighted and thrilled. Can't wait to hear it performed. It's one of my "eleven minute" pieces, I've got 3 of those now, the Sonatina, the Theme and Variations, and now the Little Sonata. Let's see if we can't get it up to 20 minutes and try some musical argument. There is some in the Little Sonata. Well God be praised. Please let the concert be a success, Father. Remove all obstacles to a fine set of performances. Amen.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ah, praise the Lord. Slept nicely from about five until eight. Lovely. It seems to be about 12 noon on KARN radio. But it's 8.10pm here in Cape Town. Real Estate Radio. This is a programme about real estate or mortgage financing. Oh dear. I might try later.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right, now it's two hours later and I'm hoping that Real Estate Radio has finished.

Met a real man of God in Khayelitsha today. From Ghana I think. I gave him a copy of my book. And a non-real man of God, who was into accusing and spreading guilt and stuff. I ought to have more patience with such types, but to me they are exactly the same as the Pharisees were: they seem religious but all they do is block the way to God. I told him to go away.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well I believe that the way I feel about people who block the way to God, while pretending to be spiritual, has been instilled into me by my Father, his Son and their Spirit. They make me absolutely hopping mad. Jesus wasn't rude to them - or was he? He insulted them. Called them a brood of vipers. He wasn't above a bit of Middle Eastern invective and I don't think his brothers today are above a bit of Cape Town invective or Chatham invective or whatever.

Met a badly possessed woman today. Blimey it was terrible, there I was standing face to face with a demon. Poor woman. Sjoe.

The Ghanaian man asked me if I had any fellowship. I said no. He asked why. I said I don't know really. Possibly because the only Christians I know, or knew, basically told me to frk off.

I am really, REALLY comforted by God's word to me through Rigby: "God says he'll make it all up to you".


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Another night up then. Listening to the three main pieces I've composed for the concert, the Little Sonata, the Theme and Variations, and the Sonatina. At the moment I'm pleased with them. The Theme and Variations is the best. I can't wait to have proper recordings of them. Then they go up on YouTube.

I've got the music printed out, even the parts for the Sonatina, although I don't know where those are at the moment, somewhere. Oh they'll be in my document folder ready to take to the copy shop. I've got to take all the music to be copied and bound. I want to make several copies of all three pieces.

I like the Little Sonata. Am pleased with it. I like the title too. Someone had to come up with it. So I did.

But the title of my book, that was Helga's idea. She's completely given up on me. Way to go, Helga. Not.

Jesus didn't come to turn people into Christians, but to turn Christians into people. That is so true, yet hardly anyone believes it - well the sons do, but they are few on the ground. "When I come back, will I find faith on the earth?"

I wrote a piece for Sethu about truth. I ought to make it into a small pamphlet I think. Tidy it up a bit, sort out the persons (whom I'm addressing) and get it out there. I think that's the way forward, cutting up my thought into small bite size chunks, because I can't see myself ever getting it together to write this monograph I've been wanting to write for ages. One on truth, one on knowledge, one of seeing, etc etc. One on faith. Little 6-page booklets. Yeah. Must keep writing.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

I really must get down to revising the Missa Brevis, as well as preparing copies of the Psalm-setting for voice and cello. I've concentrated on my instrumental music, perhaps it's time to look at some of the vocal musics. I wish I had some really good feedback on my music, esp the recent stuff. David is highly erratic in his criticism although every now and then he manages to find the mot juste. I need someone qualified to look at it properly and give hints and tips that might help me in future work.

I should like to write another piano piece. Oh, music, music. There's so much to compose. O that the Muse would vouchsafe me a draught of her cup again. But I must hear the latest musics played. Perhaps, while I can afford it, I can find some instrumentalists and pay for a recording session somewhere. It's difficult because I don't know anyone.

But it would be so nice to hear my work performed by real live musicians.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

The Word is powerfully present. Sharper than any two-edged sword. The Word, the Spirit and the Blood.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Wenn auch Frauen das wissen, was Maenner wissen wollen, warum sind sie oefter so dumm? Und die Farbenkonferenz... men don't want to know... richtig. All I know is what Bulgakov said in his novel The Master and Margarita. ("I'm not joking") Der Theo sagt, die Muellerin sei boese... ja, das weiB ich selbst. Aber siehe, ich liebe die kleine Dunkele, weil sie Gott liebet. Oh, wie sie Gott liebet! das hab' ich im Radio gehoert. DaB sie Gott den Vater liebet mit ihrer ganzen Seele, ihrem ganzen Herzen, ihrem ganzen Verstand und ihrer ganzen Staerke. Ich werde heute Kirche zu zum FuB schlendern. Manca me! Nun ist ein Radioprogramm, wo zwei Frauen miteinandersprechen. Ich bleib' stehen.

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