This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK, I was up all night trying to fix something on my computers. I got the answer after I had a bath: I rebooted the router, and all is well again. Thank goodness. I'm very glad I didn't get around to reinstalling the OS on this machine. I'm not ready for that yet.

It's a nice morning. Taking the car in as soon as I've recovered from this latest kerfuffle.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Sethu's coming in a bit. Will have a cup of tea and then head out. Can't do anything until I've had a balancing restorative.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Wonderful story about God moving in this chap's life. Brilliant.

Fantastic. Brilliant. Eddie Henderson.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Sethu is here. Elegen emoi heauten touton ton logon anagignwskein.

Elle se plaint de ma faculte de memoire, qui est mauvaise et inutile, parce que j'ai oublie que nous etions a Jo'burg, dakruei ktl pros ten metera.

Et maintenant Loli vient le dimanche pour demander de l'argent, comme je suppose. Je ne le lui donnerai point; et elle vient d'expliquer ce que fera la ronde avec l'argent que je lui ai donne hier soir. Elle a probablement raison. Merde. Elle a dit qu'elle va acheter des meubles avec l'argent. C'est de la connerie.

Anyway enough of all this Gallic nonsense. We are going out this afternoon to get the car window mended, or to book the car in to have it seen to, which is more likely. At the same time he can mend the driver's ventilation window. And check out the engine to see if it's OK and not making any strange noise.

C'est derisoire qu'elle telephone a son petit ami en parousiai emei all' ou bouletai dechwntai alloi ek cheirwn emwn.

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