This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

See it takes so long for h2g2 to open My Space from a journal entry, that I forgot all about it this morning and did something else instead.

Latest things in my life: I've finished the 2nd (slow) movement of the Sonatina for piano quartet.

I am struggling trying to get Mint 15 to show up on the network.


Ubuntu just works. Why Doesn't Mint.


It's 7.17pm and already practically dark out. That happened suddenly. Suddenly it's dark out of an eventune. Oh well. Next it'll be putting the fire on every evening. That hasn't happened yet. A few nights ago I had to light the fire. My feet are getting cold though, which is a sign, an ominous sign of WINTER!!!

Tried installing a light bulb into a lamp, but it was a P&P "No Name" light bulb and was broken! Hah. One tries to support local industry but really, they don't deserve support if they can't get their act together. I've installed a probably foreign bulb instead. Well it might be made here but it came in an orange box. Osram I think. Anyway. All better now, the lamps are all shining in here, with the notable exception of the Indian brass Anglepoise. I'm gonna have to go to Eagle and a) get another shedload of 60W incandescents, if they still exist, and b) get a clip-on lamp or something. Experience has taught me never, ever to buy a cheap Anglepoise. I need a lamp over to my right forward. It's surprising actually, with all the lamps on in here it's still kind of half-lit. But that's how I like it in here. My Den, you see. If I ever get married I shall be very thankful for my Den. Of course the ideal would be to have someone to lie on the chaise longue and read a novel. Can't be doing with all that going out and showing off, it's so boring.

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