This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Woke at six, in my chair. I've got a few things to do today. I've got to go to the 7-11 and get bog roll and washing powder. I've got to pick up my shirts and trouser. Mr Cohen says his shop is open today. So I could go there as well. But I'd have to go by public transport, or walk, because I can't leave Daisy anywhere unattended. Her window is stuck open. And public transport will be a reduced service today I imagine. So perhaps I'll wait until next week or possibly tomorrow, before I go to see Mr Cohen. I need to go to Pick 'n' Pay but I can't face going alone. Sethu has offered to go with. I think she wants me to buy her some stuff.

Monwi men onti edokei moi hetairan me dei echein, nyn de hetairan echonti kopos estin emoi. dynamai zwn aneu hetairas. dei gar eme monon ergazein en tais graphais kai en tei technei mousikei. en de kai twi Kyriwi eulogetos eimi egw. ouk oida ei gamizein boulomai e ouk. meizwn estin twi andri ou gamizein, gegraptai dia tou Paulou. Kalon athrwpwi gynaikos me haptesthai. That's a quotation, of course, but - and this is a big but - Paul basically confirms it after a page or two of careful examination.

Note the use of the word kalos there. It is a fine thing, a noble thing, a beautiful thing... yeah this word kalos speaks volumes. It is used elsewhere too; "fight the good fight" is kalos. Morally praiseworthy I think is the sense of the word here. Well it's a sacrifice isn't it and we know that the life given away is the kale zwe. Ho me gamizwn kreisson poiesei. thlipsin de tei sarki hexousin hoi toioutoi, egw de hymwn pheidomai. Who needs thlipsis? Not I, declares the believer. It's a pregnant phrase, thlipsis tei sarki. Notice he doesn't say thlipsis twi kosmwi.

So it's basically fleshly hassles you get. Well if my experience is anything to go by, he's bang on there. A lot of unnecessary hassle.

But I'm never, ever going to live with a non-believer again, if it's up to me. It was traumatic. Well in the previous case, mildly so, but it was just unpleasant, having one's favourite clothes destroyed and being spiritually abused and so on. I squared the difficulty of their employing a diabolist as against sacking me, with the verse that says teachers get a harsher judgement. "Don't park off too long," dixit admirabilis femina. So you want Volume 2 do you? I have yet to dispose of the entire printing of Volume 1. I cannot self-publish any more larney books, but I can continue to churn out El Cheapo edtions. Presently working on a discipleship series with snappy titles. There also need to be a volume on anthropology, and a volume on cosmology. General background knowledge.

Well the Omo won't get itself and I have a basket of laundry to do, so I'd better mosey on up to the 7-11 and get me some automatic washing powder.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ho me gamizwn kreisson posesei. That is the sentence that I struggle with and I sort of think wouldn't it be good if I could struggle with it all my life and then suddenly die having fulfilled it by default as it were? Because I want the best possible eternity and I don't want anyone getting in the way of that. Paul says it's "kreisson" - kreitton in Attic - well we know what that means don't we. I have never wanted kids, in fact I have always not wanted them, and I don't think I'm prepared to sacrifice my lifestyle to please some kid-hungry woman. I'm not a sperm bank. That's the sacrifice I demand from anyone who wants to be with me - no kids. And hardly any sex, if I'm honest. I don't like it. It's a wholly earthly pursuit unworthy of a man of God. That's just my opinion, others are available, but you'll have to go and find someone else if you want a different opinion.

No my pleasure is pie. Lots and lots of pie.

If God gives me the option of parking off for the rest of my life, I'd have to take it, if only to tweak the noses of those boring work-ethic clones who think Christ wants servants.

No, you wait on God BEHIND the veil, not in public.

Helga wrote to me once telling me to "serve Christ properly" which was I think the worst insult anyone has ever served me, as well as being extremely stupid for various reasons. She will apologise for that, in this life or the next.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

People are comfortable with mediocrity. It doesn't challenge them. I've never been satisfied with anything less than my best, but it seems people don't want it. Unless the book has success when it comes out. But people are lazy and I'm not one to push myself forward. If people don't want what I have to offer, then I needn't give it to them. I'm sure my Father understands. More than Helga does anyway. What's the point of being arbeitsfaehig if no-one wants the Arbeit?


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I need a new USB hub for the netbook in here. But first things first: I have to get my stuff from Mimi. Then, on Monday afternoon, take Daisy in and hope they can mend her. Then, I have to go to see Mr Cohen (I could do that either tomorrow or Monday morning actually). So it's Mr Cohen, Mimi, and Daisy. Oh and I must get some bog roll and washing powder too. Those are the necessities at the moment.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hmm. The Ultrabook is running a little slowly today. Not sure why; haven't got anything running that I can think of. Anyway. Been watching Ali G. Mr Cohen appears to be such a nice man. I remember one very, very funny thing he did but I can't mention it here, it's too difficult.

He had Boutros Boutros Boutros Ghali on. I suppose that's Petros in Arabic or whatever. So good they named him twice.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Didn't score today. Listening to an Yank talk radio station. It's very good. I ought to try a Christian radio station next.

Got several things to do in the next few days. Several things.

I hope my amp comes through soon. I also hope I don't have to drive all the way to Epping to pick it up. But I probably shall have to. It's going to be a big box because I've ordered a casing for the amp as well. Oh, and a tone control circuit. But no phono preamp yet. I'd better do that now.

There we are, all ordered. Excellent. I hope it gets here in good condition. I ordered some spare valves but they aren't necessary after all. I'll keep them as spares, it's good to have a few spares.

I can't put anything on top of the amp; it generates a lot of heat and I don't want it overheating. So on that table will be a record player, a CD player, a radio (which goes on top of the CD player), a small mixer and a power amp. The mixer could almost go on top of the radio if necessary. I think. I'll need a multiple mains strip adaptor for all the tech, and I'm going to have to order a shedload of cables to hook it all up; I've used up all my many audio cables in here, connecting the tape recorder and the internet radio. I've got one spare input which is normally used by the Music Machine but these days I use headphones for that. There is also a minijack on my desk which used to go into the PC in here but which now goes into the Netbook.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Of course the radio and CD player could go on the chest of drawers in the corner. The speaker doesn't belong on there. That would leave the table to take only the turntable, amp and mixer. That would be good, that might be the solution indeed.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Extraordinarily difficult Roman preest on Ali G today. Took great offence when asked if he didn't have any kids because he used a rubber. Clearly either really up himself about being a priest, or has some problem with his willly or his sexuality or both. Very rarely do you meet a Roman preest with anything approching well you know. They all have this big rubberised stick up their arses.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Did some music tonight. Am pleased with it. Atonal again. Because I seem to suit the genre. This piece has come out sounding a bit like late Britten, interestingly; totally unintended. I had the row in my mind when I was composing. Oh well, anyway, if it carries on like this I'll have Piano Quartet to perform in the winter.

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