This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

The Window people acknowledged my deposit and it looks like I/they've left it not a moment too soon as Autumn proper closes in. My back aches in the morning as the season changes, it always does this. I was to bed past one am and woke up at around 7, and dozed until 7.30, and I'm up now at just past eight. Better go and wake Miss Sleepyhead, who slept in the guest room last night.

Well it's Wednesday. I suppose really I don't miss the piety in the mornings. It's a bit much really.

I've basically long since stopped thinking about Wilfie. These people are a joke.

I'm an-hungered; I may go to - but no, I'm tired of Oakhurst breakfast. And I can't eat a whole one. I could go and just have a couple of fried eggs and bacon I suppose. Certainly can't be bothered to make that myself. We're meant to be going to Pick 'n' Pay this eventune.

Well, another day. It's pretty kind of dismal out really, sort of a white-out with haze and the sky seems to have descended down a couple of miles. Much prefer winter in Jo'burg.

Still, they are coming to put in a new window soon... and that takes us full circle. Let's just hope the manage to before it starts raining.

smiley - tea


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Sethu and I went to Century City where I bought some clothes... I never used to buy clothes and wore all mine out before getting new ones, but Sethu insists I look the part when I'm with her, so I've had to make an effort. I actually enjoy looking fly, as they say.

Back home now. Quite tired. We're going to P&P this evening so I'd better get some decent rest.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Naah, we're not going to Pick 'n' Pay tonight. Staying in. It's dark out.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got to take my car to PG Glass ASAP to get the insurance policy I took out on it, to commence. In the meantime the driver's side window has broken. So I'm going to have to get that mended before I can go anywhere and park and leave the car. I do not want to leave Daisy unattended with the driver's window open. That's asking for trouble. I'll ask Daryl and if he isn't available, I'll phone or just turn up at the Beetle place down the Lansdowne Road for them to mend it. They can put a new fuel gauge in at the same time, if they've got stock. They didn't last time. But he said he could cannibalise another motor for my car.

Right, I need to arrange my old Elegy for solo cello into a movement for Piano Quartet, and possibly add a slow movement and a Finale. I shall have to compose the slow movement but I may use material from the withdrawn cello suite for the Finale. I could even use some very old material for the slow movement, that I haven't got written down; but it's a bit derivative.

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