This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got a Mint Petra machine now. The Lenovo Ideapad received a wiped SSD and a new OS this morning. I'm happy with it even if I can't see how to get it to look like the traditional Gnome 2 DE.

I've got to get it printing next. But I may leave that for another night up.

Window people supposed to be coming today. Let's hope they do.

Have stood in God this morn.

Time for a cup of steaming Instant.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

You can get it back to looking like normal and I've downloaded the instructions so that's good.

Ich fuehle traurig heut morgen. Hat diese neue Traurigkeit mit dem Maedelein zu tun? Wenn ja, so muB ich ihr wieder mal die Tuer zeigen. Ich kann es nicht durchhalten, um traurig fuehlen zu muessen. Ich habe einen groBen Stein Trauer in meinem Bauch und er tut mir weh in der Siele. Ja, das waere sie. ScheiBe. Kann ich mit so einem Bauchstein arbeiten?

Ich habe ein paar Zeilen fuers Buch geschrieben. MuBte aber dem Mitarbeiter mitteilen, er sollte nicht ueber Dinge reden, wovon er nichts weiB. Total praetenzioes. So sind sie hier.

Nun ja. Ich bin traurig und einsam heute.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Anyway I had a shower, so that's something positive. Must remember to turn the water off when I next get up.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

You know, it is possible... I wonder... if I installed Windows using the Virtual Machine facility, I should be able to run Sibelius on this machine. Now that would be something. The only thing is I'd have to be careful with disk space because this machine only has a little. Well, I've got my Sibelius disks (somewhere) and I've got the VM facility. But for the meantime I'll stick to the Music Machine I think.

It's Saturday morning again, and for once it really feels like Saturday morning, somehow. Ich hab' das peinlichste Pech mit den Frauen. Ich habe nur eine davon begegnet, die mich wirklich zu ihrem Herzen nahm, und das war nur das eine Mal. All' die anderen sind nur in meinem Beutelsack interessiert. So laeuft's.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hoorah and hurrahaho. The window people have come! and they are quotating me on Monday-morningstone, for replacing the windows in my den at the far end. Once that work is done I shall be able to relax in my den for the first time since I moved in, in the winter, which won't be such an appalling trial any more, since I shan't be worrying about water getting in all the time. Phew.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I can feel Helga and she's sad tonight, I don't know why.

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