This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

God is love, and all action is done in love, because we're not stronger than God. And so all action is love enacted. Now, this is an ontological statement about action. It expresses love. What about the priestly action of the Jesus people?

This is positive, active love, love that if you believe it, will save you; whereas there is passive love, which is enacted by the disbeliever or by the believer on an off day.

I need to reflect more on that, that emotion is reason is emotion is reason.


Otherwise, music wouldn't work.

I wrote about it in Musrardland.

Mancas me, carissime.

I have to phone the Doctor at nine, and let Gerry in, and sleep until 2 when I shall leave for the Doctor, appointments permitting. At least I need to sleep.

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