This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

The noise from downstairs is SO LOUD it's like almost tangible. Oh it's terrible. It's not on really. They should have thought of a quieter way of doing this. And I'm right on top of it. Oh dear. It's awful.

Right in my den too. Right underneath. I should get some form of compensation for distress because I am in considerable distress with the noise at the moment.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

And Sipho is coming today. I don't think I can cope with all the stress. I need time off, badly. This noise is unutterably dreadful. And tomorrow I'm going to Khayelitsha and I need to think between then and now, and I can't think with the noise going on. It's appalling. I ought not to be allowed. I bet if &*^ was living here he'd have something to say about it. They seem to be concentrating in this one spot and it's just appalling. They are knocking down the walls you see. As long as they're not load bearing. I hope they've had an architect looking at the plans and so on. Gosh. Noise. Terrible. They should have let us plan for this - like, to go away for 2 weeks while they finish in this area. Come back Rabbi, all is forgiven!


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right, I've taken 8 boxes of books - 7 Xhosa, 1 English - down to the garage. I may have to take 2 loads, so that there are another 6 English boxes. I don't know. The noise has started up again and it's impossible to think. Just as it had abated too. I was sitting down having a nice rest after a bit of heavy moving work and now this.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm suffering from the noise from downstairs at the moment; it's absolutely unbelievably bad. At the same time I've got an earworm: my only just started setting of verses from the Song of Songs, for voice and guitar. I'm pleased with the music and will see if there's any more of that piece ready to compose.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I think my upstairs neighbours must be sick and tired of two pieces in particular, the Theme and Variations, and the Elegy for Bob. I keep playing them to try to discover whether they are any good. I am told the Theme and Variations is a good piece, but the Elegy for Bob is flawed - instead of a climax it has an extended quotation of Abide With Me. Well, it's a funeral piece for Bob Christie. South African listeners who didn't have a traditional education might not know Abide With Me. In which case the whole point of the piece is lost.

Peet contines in hospital. That's quite a while he's been in. We're all worried about him. I am very worried. Poor old Peet, he doesn't have much health.

Oh dear. Poor Peet. I wish I were overseas, I'd go and visit him.

Get well soon Peet old son. We need you. Your Mustardland needs you. Your friends need you.

Tomorrow is a big day. Handing out books at the Khayelitsha Mall. Let's hope the weather holds... it's been a bit dark and damp and drizzly even. Bless the day, Lord, please.

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