This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right. I've got a lot to do today. At nine I have to go to the PO to a) renew my PO Box if possible, and b) send the music to Lara.

Then I have to undertake to perform certain other tasks, the which have eluded my thoughts this day.

We're talking about loving GOD here, not Donny Osmond. Stuck hey? My sympathies. Well, good job God sent me isn't it or you would've been in a right old pickle by the end. Assuming you'd have had no-one who loved you enough to deliver the truth. Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold. And all because the lady loves...

I'm sorry it's very difficult not to gloat as I've been deprived of justice for decades of long, hard, lonely slog. Forty years in solitary on a trumped up charge, with cruel and unusual punishments. They put out your eyes and drove you mad with KGB mind torturements. Wish you'd picked Islam hey. Not so jolly now hey. Especially not as everybody knows. Why, the faithful ones (see, I was right wasn't I) have already picked up the revelation and are running with it. When the going gets tough, did you say? Smug. Oh, smuggles. The ironies are bright today, but friendly, are they not? No?

Shut up, she says. Well this is it you see, you already tried to shut me up once. Where's the popcorn.

"For judgement I have come into this world, that those who are blind may see, and those who can see, should become blind" John 9:39. Behold, says the Lord the Spirit, this Scripture is fulfilled in your day. Wow. Thank you, Lord.

This is the day, This is the day
That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made,
We will rejoice, we will rejoice
And be glad in it, and be glad in it.

Jesus comes and he doesn't have to say, Don't gloat my friend. I love these too. Yeah Lord. Hey, can I go to church now? Will it all be nice? It all seems cold still in my imagination. Help me, Lord. Help me to go to church and to find some Christians who will walk alongside me.

It's a new day all right. Jesus is faithful; he has come. He smiles and says, There there. Let me wipe your tears awa', awa'.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Luke 19:14

But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us.

v. 27

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should rule over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

The Return of the King.

Amos 5:10-14 is coming true even as I write. Soon I will speak of it no more, for the time is an evil time. By my silence shall I speak of more than what I spoke of.

They will be ashamed of their prophetic vision! That's all of them then, for they were vision monkeys the lot of them, down to the last one. Will there be any suicides, do you think? Callord is very angry.
Their victim arises and speaks as Balaam's donkey spoke. A motley fool with arrows and spears poking into his body. And a thorn. My goodness Callord is very bumptious this morning. Caught in a trap of his own devising, just like in Esther. Yes says Jesus, I put in a whole book about the gallows they erected for you which now groans under the weight of those who builded it. Callord doesn't know what to do. He turns this way and that, seeking desperately a way out. But you can't escape from yourself and what you have said, you have said. I don't think even you can turn the clock back and have your time again. Perhaps try praying? People say that helps. After all, you're such a wise and mighty man of God, far too wise to assume to title of Fool.

Meantime, says God, I will restore what the locusts have eaten.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well it's a nice day, I'm staying in waiting for a phone call.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm allergic to the medicine the Doctor has given me! Ha! Is he trying to poison me? Ha! So. I'll go back and ask him for a basic benzo. It's anxiety that he's trying to treat. I wish he'd get it right because I'm not being medicated for anxiety and I'm freaking out all over the place. I was anxious in the post office, I don't know why, perhaps Doc Schwartz has a better idea of what goes through my head, than I do. In fact I'm sure he does. So let him give me a pill that doesn't make me come out in hives.


Post 5


smiley - space
smiley - yikes Bee hives?

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