This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Glad I didn't go to Jo'burg because Sethu needed me.

All my towels appear to have disappeared. I will have to ask for them to be returned.



Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

They were hiding underneath the chaise longue.

One of my medications is giving me gyp, so that I've stopped using it. I've got to go back to the Doc ASAP to get it changed to another one. The Doc paid me a huge compliment the last time I saw him. "You know your drugs," he said.

He is ever such a nice man. So understanding. A credit to his people.

I shall invite him to my concert.

I gave him a copy of Words; I hope nothing therein offends him. I don't think he would take offence, after all, I am a Christian and I'm sure he knows Christians, but I would like him to understand and know that I respect the Jews very highly.

Hopefully he'll have got that from the sensitivity of some of the Hebrew studies in the book.

I also gave him a copy of my poetry book... I hope I haven't embarrassed myself, it's so hard to tell whether one's work is any good; I went by the positive reception for three or so of my poems online, and used criteria devolved from those, to choose the ones I included.

I need to get some bank statemnts ASAP. Must try to do that tomorrow when Sethu goes to University. (She studies at UCT)

She's staying over tonight as well. Unfortunately it seems someone is jealous. Well. As David Winter said, the only fruit of the Holy Spirit you can't fake, is self-control.

Ordered some stuff from Mr D. The girl on the phone went ape over my accent. They can tell when you're going out with someone, suddenly they want a piece of the action too.

It's very nice, hasn't happened to me before, not in living memory anyway.

I wonder how long she will consent to accompany me to places of entertainment without providing the pleasures rightly restricted to those who have finally got over themselves.

Right. So. What's on the agenda? I need to spend some time with God. I've been with Sethu most of the day and I've barely written anything and I can feel the prayer piling up inside me, needing to be released in his Presence.

That always happens when I spend time with people. After a while I have to get alone with God and just sit, like Mary. The better part, and it won't be taken away from me, Helga.

I had a funny thought today. Well actually I had a lot of good thoughts, and a funny one.

I wrote the good thoughts in an email to David. I kept the funny thought to myself and the Holy One.

Right well I need some alone time. Sipho has cooked. I'm not hungry.

Oh well.



Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ridiculous situation at home. Hostility, banality, stone-headedness and stone-heartedness that I only hope my Father is revealing to ... well, the people who ought to know what goes on here. Her employers, for example. Those over whose souls she strains out here empty stools every Friday morning at 3am. It's a shame, because she's hurting, you can hear her broken-heartedness in her voice. It says God is close to the broken-hearted, but it also says he knows the proud from afar.

What a shame, a heart so hateful. I don't think C would hear me if I tried to tell her the reality about her protegee. I don't want to see her again. Had enough of headless heartless charismatics.

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