This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Today is a day to see a milliner and to go and procure some antique lamps; one of mine has kicked the bucket and I need to replace it, and they come in matching pairs so I'll buy them both.

And I am taking my favourite hat to a milliner and asking them to make two identical copies in brown and black, one for everyday use (brown) and one to go with my black suit.

I have written to Zelda; it got spat back; if it happens again I'll fax the message.

Promises to be another nice day in Cape Town.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh apparently I'm "damned" said the voice on Helga's show. Poppycock. I've done more in my 44 years here on this planet than most people get done in a lifetime. At the moment I am, in Lynwen's words, parking off, relaxing; but I must get weaving on some new projects I'm thinking about.

Milliner and antique shop today.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

My degree dissertation argued that the philosophy in Ecclesiastes is conveyed through the literary structure of the book. I think that was a new idea at the time. Probably not though. I am going to include this in the book on Reading the Bible. Well the frame narrative structure, with frames within frames, is well-known, but I never read anyone saying that this was the method Qoheleth used to express his philosophy.

I am going to the milliner's today and also to the antique shop. I must get that out of the way right earlystones.

Then I want to spend a day planning my work on Reading the Bible. I shall have to set out my starting point and the way I intend to go, first.

Or perhaps I should do the ontology work first. I've already thought about all this stuff. The only problem is finding the Bible quotes for it. In 1996 all I knew what to do, was quote the Bible; now, I am more discursive and I don't quote so much. I shall have to find a happy medium.

Ach nun "hasst" sie mich. Sie denkt, ich muB under dem Gotteszorn stehenbleiben, aber sie koennte nicht faelscher sein.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK, going to the Bank and then possibly Wynberg in the early afternoon (post luncheontide - a good time to go to Wynberg).

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