This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I cannot quite get my head around the fact that 2014 is almost a twelfth over. I know, however, that a year can stretch like a rubber band and go Ping! in the night.

I didn't sleep last night. I doubt that I shall be of much use for anything today. I am supposed to visit Sethu to view the new sofa in situ. My abdomen is slightly grumbling in a gallstoney kind of way, but that's impossible, because I haven't got a ball gladder.

Therefore I deduce that it is a recurrence of the Stomach Ulcer. I was in pain yesterday noontide with it and we had to make a quick unscheduled pitstop at my flat so that I could swallow a PPI.

Lots of voices in the night. I haven't been taking my medication. I must try to get back onto that so that I don't have to suffer from the vapours.

I get the impression CCFM consider me a dodgy character. Which is absolutely fine by me: they said the same about Jesus, and Jesus tells us that we'll get treated the same way he was; so being squenched by the elders and scribes is a sign that I'm on the right side.

Read Steve Rudd's hospital book. Excellent.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am very pleased with the Piano Variations.

But I'm presently undergoing a silent spell. The Spirit moves, and I compose, fluently; then the Spirit departs, and I can no longer write one note of sensible musics. It's weird; I wish I were more productive. I've done the first paragraph of a song, setting words from the Bible. I've got to rewrite the Gloria of my Missa Brevis de Cruce. Well that's it really, that's all I've got on the stocks, and of inspiration there is none. Very amateurish having to rely on inspiration totally out of my control; but that's the way it is. Come to think of it I rely on inspiration for everything I do.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Am going out after the traffic has subsided. I've got a delivery to undertake.

I'm in some very special gear today. Red and black striped trousers and my light purple cotton Indian shirt. But the piece de resistance are the Doc Martens. Leather, not the suede ones.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm going out in a bit. It's been a strange day. Yeah, strange. Feeling strange. "Ooh Matron I've come over all queer"


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

For some reason I didn't go out today, and I probably won't now. I am feeling quite distressed.


Post 6


smiley - space
Oops, did you remember to take your meds?
I forget mine sometimes - but then they are for memory retention smiley - tongueout


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

My phlegm has gone black. Andrew says this is a sign of blood. In which case I would have a bleed in one of my lungs. I wonder how serious that is. Andrew is going to hassle me until I go to the Doc but I'll leave it until after Jo'burg.


Post 8


smiley - space
Yeah, and the reason is you want to take care of the car thing first in case the doctor's prognosis is dire or,
if not, just forbidding you to go off to J's burg, huh smiley - winkeye

But maybe Sethu can go if you cannot - and maybe someone else too - send them up on a bus or some other public transportation?
You can afford it, right? Why not spend some of your money on your own concerns smiley - biggrin
I know I know you DO spend money on things you want and decorating and etc but - just encouraging you LOL

en courage ing you smiley - towel
Not that you don't have courage.
I find you to be one of my more courageous friends, if not The Most!

It's not easy being green

I should know smiley - frog


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

No I can't send anyone because I don't know anyone I trust enough with my car.

Yes that's why I'm leaving it until after Jo'burg. In case he wants to have tests and stuff done. I need to get my car back first.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Cops lurking around outside up the road. It's almost like they're waiting for something. Vokofpolisiekar.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

Amazing: the original Sugababes line-up have reformed! MKS, Mutya Keisha and Siobhan, they were only 13-14 in 1998 when they did the first Sugababes songs, now ten years after they split up, they are back together; but they can't call themselves the Sugababes because the Sugababes continue with different girls. Crazy. I shall have to listen to MKS "covering" some of their old songs and see how it sounds.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

Plenty of live singing from MKS on the Tube but I think I'm going to wait until their album comes out. I wonder whether they'll do a Hits album for us. Sugababes stopped being the 'Babes after Mutya left.

Well tomorrow is Wednesday and Sipho wants to go to Pick 'n' Pay.

Didn't go out today until Sipho came back and she took us in her car to the garage for pies and so on.

I never saw the point of Amelle or whatever her name is.

All those old songs from the 90s, hey? The All Saints. Boy, what a kick.


Post 13

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yeah there was the 90s and then there was the 00s. The first three years of the 00s I was doing theology and didn't listen to any music, then I went to Leeds and had leisure time and listened to stuff.

I thought I was going to die earlier on, I mean like my lungs and stuff, and it was a pleasant thought. Just going over my life, I find the memories with the strongest emotional charge are about music.

Then there was that Emma Bunton, she did two lovely records. Mutya is my favourite singer though. I think she's great.

Wiki calls her a mezzo soprano which is funny if you compare her with someone like Janet Baker LOL.

Or was Janet a contralto. I don't know.


Post 14

woofti aka groovy gravy

Why are Christians always so up themselves? I don't mean the sons of God, I'm talking about the bog standard Christians. They're all up themselves.


Post 15

woofti aka groovy gravy

You don't see many sons of God. I bumped into one at the printer's. Allen someone. Nice guy. He called me a son as well. That was nice. I enjoyed that. What I don't enjoy are stupid fecking games from scared-shitless up-themselves little girls. Yes, you. Perfect love casts out fear. If you fear, you're not made perfect in love. You're scared shitless of me, aren't you. So you're not perfect in love. Get your act together. As the Babes say, "you gotta find your way outta your fear if you wanna come with me, cos that's the way it's gotta be".


Post 16

woofti aka groovy gravy

Like it's NINE YEARS since Mutya left the Babes. And anyone who is 16 now, was born at the same time the Babes happened. Which is a total mind-feck. Think about it: in 1998 I could have easily had a kid and now it would be sixteen and stuff. I remember when I was 16, it was horrendous. Absolutely horrendous. But I was happy at school. I was enjoying school when I was 16 and 17. I knew more than the teachers did back then. Well it was all fresh and exciting for me wasn't it. Well anyway. There we are.


Post 17

woofti aka groovy gravy

But of course the All Saints were the best. Their last album was their greatest, but it bombed and they split. Why? WHY? It's brilliant. It's got real music on it. All their albums are great but if I had to choose one it would probably have to be Studio 1. The All Saints make Girls Aloud and the Sugababes seem paltry pie by comparison. They were SO good in the 90s but they found an even better space in 2006. I remember. And Studio 1 was made in 2006! My goodness me. I was in Stellenbosch when they were recording those amazing songs. I got back to Aberdeen in 2007 and listened to all this music.

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