This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Nice sunny day. Forgot to get Dorothy a birthday card. I really ought to make the effort as she is languishing in an old age home apparently.

Went to town this afternoon to see "Downfall". A dark film. I don't think I gained anything by having gone to see it, except a gloomy mood and a headache. It wasn't a particularly thought-provoking movie, and I don't like all those explosions. It was also unedifying to witness so many suicides. So if you're into Hitler (referred to as "Uncle Hitler" by some children in the movie) and you like the sight of Mrs Goebbels poisoning her children (they dwelt on this in agonising detail) I recommend this movie, but if you don't want your day spoiled by Nazi officers shouting at each other, I suggest you give it a miss. Mind you, the actress playing Traudl Junge was a bit of all right.

Had a Hot peri-peri chicken pita at Nando's for lunch before the movie, without the chips or rice. Delicious. I love Nando's... that was a lovely surprise when I came to Leeds, to find Nando's and the cinema next to each other in the same mall. And to think - there isn't a Nando's in Stellenbosch (for some reason - there used to be, I ate there once) - but there is a Maccy D's. Huh. I shall just have to travel when I want my fix. There is one at the Tyger Valley mall but it isn't a very good one.

I will have a bowl of soup this evening, fortified with some chopped up Scotch Bonnet chili. Will I have a bottle of wine though, or my regulation four cans of John Smith's?

Five pieces from Catalogue d'Oiseaux on at 7.30 this evening (R3), together with recordings of the birdsong that inspired them. Should be interesting. Some scientist chappie came out a few years ago with the theory that birds sing in sonata form.

Still waiting for Filon (Upington) and Louie (Stellenbosch) to reply with my rentals details for the last financial year. I want to get that all done and dusted well before I move.

Got an email from a Cromfordeer - she's going to Pilanesberg Game Reserve for some meetings in September. I have suggested a mini-meet. That would be grand - a South African Mustard Muster!


Post 2


I remember a TV adaptation of Hugh Trevor-Roper's Hitler: The Last Days on ITV in the late 70's. It also dwelt on the deaths of the Goebbels children - I remember them playing a board game just before they were murdered, just like the children in Jonestown and Rwanda and Waco and so many other places. Masada too, I suppose.

I like reading diaries. I have a good selection of published diaries, including the Goebbels diaries. Here is how the Goebbels children are first mentioned:

"The children gambol aroung. Helga has become quite grown-up. Hilde is very sure of herself, while Holde is a little joker. Helmut is an absolute loner. Hedda is troubles with [...]".

The diary is incomplete. The day was 14th January 1940.

On 17th May 1941: "And now the children! Their joy is indescribable. They hang on to me like limpets. And they have all grown so much, and look so fit and well-tanned. Holde and Hedda are indescribably sweet. Helmut is still the plump, phlegmatic little chap, and Heidi is already playing and laughing. By the wonderful Grundelsee. A beautiful, big summer house. The children will do very well here. I am boundlessly happy here, surrounded by the entire family. We chat and play until late in the evening. Worries seem so far away... Talk with Magda late into the night. She is very clever and understands things better than many high-ranking politicians."

Sepia photographs and fading words on yellowing paper. There! I've managed to depress myself. Holde and Heidi and Helmut and Helga and Hilde and Hedda probably would have had difficult adult lives had they emerged from the bunker alive, but if they had they would now be contemporaries and compatriates of the new Pope.



Post 3


Oh no ~ I'm so sorry! I've only just seen your reply, and now I can't quite remember your name ~ Feisor???? Anyway, thanks for your very warm welcome to h2g2. The reason I've only just come back is because I simply couldn't remember my login name, I sort of forgot who I was!! Anyway, I've got all that sort now.

Hope to speak to you again at some point! Cheers for now, ~~Misty~~smiley - bubbly

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