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FWT: "J'étais véner, j'te dis pas""

Post 1


"Véner" is "verlan" (meaning "à l'envers", the other way around) and it is to be read backwards as "énervé".

Meaning: I was so mad (cross), I can't tell you

A passport to the Mysterious World of the Young

Another favourite is "reloud", meaning "lourd", that is heavy / boring

FWT: "J'étais véner, j'te dis pas""

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

So how do you pronounce "véner"? I'm guessing vé-nere" (e-grave r e) to rhyme with "hair". smiley - erm

FWT: "J'étais véner, j'te dis pas""

Post 3

petal jam

Wow French backslang - probably invented it. Goes in phases in uk - is it continuously in use in France? Which age-groups would use it?

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