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FWT: "coûter la peau des fesses""

Post 1


Literal meaning: to cost the skin of your bottom. Meaning: be very expensive.

Example :
"J'ai trouvé un ensemble Sonia Rykiel adorable. mais il coûte la peau des fesses, évidemment."
= I found a ravishing Sonia Rykiel outfit but it costs an arm and a leg, of course.

Sonia Rykiel being a name to conjure with this household.

FWT: "coûter la peau des fesses""

Post 2


So much more expressive than 'an arm and a leg', IMHO!

FWT: "coûter la peau des fesses""

Post 3

Bex (mustard)

Love it, Martine. Will have to try and slip this into conversation.

Il coute la peau des fesses, il coute la peau des fesses....

PS. How do you do the accented letters?

FWT: "coûter la peau des fesses""

Post 4

Polly Tunnel

Oh Dear, Now I'm wondering whether I would rather lose the "skin of my bottom" or "an arm and a leg". Actually in my case I think "a pound of flesh" would be preferable to either.smiley - somersault

Regards, Polly xx

PS : going to the seaside next week so I hope to get the chance to build "un chateau du sable" - tres grande. (I am trying) smiley - cool

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