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P., May 8, 2005

Post 1


Back in Paris wearing winter clothes, and walked home under a beautiful dappled sky with a trail of sunset. Quiet streets, with a few couples going out for a meal, fewer cars than in the week. This Saunday is ranked by traffic authorities as " dimanche noir" as it is the end of the Easter Holidays for the area. So the train was full, but clean, civilised and on time (I know this is hitting below the belt).

I am now trying to reconnect the dots and remembering what I had planned to do and left undone during the last two weeks. Still we packed in my granddaughter for three days, a visit to friends for another two days and another couple now visiting.

The real treats were trips to Leroy-Merlin, ordering a shredder, buying viburnum (-na?) and deutzia, and enjoying the poetry of the garden (even more poetical if you take your glasses off). Buttercups have replaced dandelions, that's a comfort.

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P., May 8, 2005

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