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FWT: "c'est pas sorcier"

Post 1


A very versatile little idiom which means literally you don't have to be a wizard ("sorcier")to manage to do this /it's not rocket science. Most often found with adverbial form "quand même" (after all), like this:
"C'est quand même pas sorcier!"
To be used when deploring others' lack of wits.

FWT: "c'est pas sorcier"

Post 2

petal jam

As opposed to the wizard in the kitchen "c'est pas saucier"

Sorry coat on, collar turned up, hat pulled right down - never know whether puns work in French, since I only ever heard them made by English people and met with occasional French tittering.

petal jam

FWT: "c'est pas sorcier"

Post 3


"Saucier" is rare today. Sauce-boat is "saucière".

But since we are on this subject. "se faire saucer" means get drenched by rain.
"Qu'est-ce qu'on s'est fait saucer!" meaning we got soaked through.

FWT: "c'est pas sorcier"

Post 4

petal jam

Aha thanks, Martine - really hard when the language we learnt thirty years ago was distilled from the language learnt by teacher tewnty years previously..

On the subject of moisture, I /do/ remember a joke in French school text-book on being lost on an outing in wet weather with the punchline "trompé aux os".

petal jam

FWT: "c'est pas sorcier"

Post 5


Teacher says "trempé jusqu'aux os". I suppose the punchline is about the prononuciation of "os", bone, same sound as "eau" (water) with the s silent .

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