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R., May 6, 2005

Post 1


A busy day in the Brenne valley for O/H who spent his whole day mowing and then had to go and play the cymbals in the village band.

It is a custom in this village to celebrate Ascension Day (yesterday) with a series of very secular sports events. This year the semi-marathon took place in another village and the mayor organised instead a family ramble of just under 10 miles. They had perfect weather for it and on getting back to the village around 8. 30 pm (our time) they were met by the village band and escorted in style and tune to the school buildings where more music was played and then people were treated to rillettes and goat's cheese plus the local Vouvray (mellow leaning to half-dry). I came home early to do some work but I am not expecting O/H any time soon as he loves the networking. The band is heart-warming: all ages, genders and social classes (well, no aristo but we have one in the choir).

The mayor of this small Touraine village combines the energy and enthusiasm of a Boy Scout and the social conscience of a devoted Socialist who doesn't make a career of his political convictions but only wants to serve. He sometimes infuriates but he commands respect because of his commitment to doing things together. He is extremely good-looking and in fine shape as he goes running every day, which cannot be said of all the political personnel around here, who tend en masse to the florid complexion and generous paunch. O/H and he are on first name and "tu" basis. Unfortunately I am still Madame...

R., May 6, 2005

Post 2

Polly Tunnel

Hi Martine.

I love your description of "political personnel around here, who tend en masse to the florid complexion and generous paunch." Indeed that is exactly how I had envisioned all French mayors presumably because that's how they are portayed in all films and TV shows over here.

take care, Polly

smiley - magic

R., May 6, 2005

Post 3


Ah, these subtleties are lost to if not lost upon we Britons. I suppose that thee/thou would have been our tu equivalent for the more generalised vous/you.

Ah! thou paintest a pretty picture though, Martine.


PS. Remember Prof Squigs' play on R4 this afternoon.

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