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R, April 29, 2005

Post 1


Nothing to say really: running around after gddr, picking things up, romping, five goes on the roundabout (encore Mamie), buying her sun glasses, telling her to keep her sun hat on, preparing her huge meals (the country air), lulling her to sleep, picking things up, doing loads of washing, texting the parents, picking things up, checking on her when asleep/when awake, asking her at regular intervals if she wants to "faire pipi" (she likes it outdoors), telling her to keep her sun hat on, and I am ready to flop into bed, one ear cocked for the imperious "Mamie" from the little lady if she needs anything. But in return I get "T'aime, Mamie" and it's priceless..

I can't remember how I coped. Being 25 helped I suppose.

Things are moving on the garden front as we've acquired a big shredder that will produce all the mulch we need and more. But I do regret that little chest of drawers that some sordidly rich person is probably going to buy to morrow.

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R, April 29, 2005

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