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R., April 28, 2005

Post 1


Back in the country with grandaughter very excited at the idea of running around with the dog. Have I mentioned that I am a grandmother? Oh sorry.

Her parents' flat is so small that she is happy just getting into and out of rooms. She has a wonderful capacity for playing with anything,like my plastic string to tie up plants. I allowed her to unroll the lot and you could see how satisfying she found it.

Tomorrow we'll organize an expedition first to Leroy Merlin for a shredder (this is reason not whim, let alone decoration) because we've talked ourselves into it and then to see some horses, and perhaps some hens...

And so to bed, already exhausted.

R., April 28, 2005

Post 2


I like hens. They look so spiky, but when you pick 'em up turn out to be so soft. They also produce eggs.

Ah! breakfast. Orange juice, coffee, toast, boiled eggs, butter, marmalade.

Actually, that would constitute an equally acceptable lunch or tea. In summer (July/August), in the garden. In winter (the other 10 months), in your chair, wrapped up, with newspapers, a hot water bottle and a tray on your lap. In any case, with R4 on.

Susan likes her eggs soft. I prefer them slightly firmer - on the turn. Sue gets her eggs (for the shop, and therefore for home) from a local freerange farmer. The eggs are beautiful. Sometimes, in desparation, when we've run out and need one for a recipe, we get supermarket eggs. Pale pallid sickly yellow fishy-tasting things.


PS. It was Mustardland's recent vegan quasi-troll's disgusted near physical response to the eating of eggs which put up the marker for just how far over the edge she was.

R., April 28, 2005

Post 3

Katy Tulip

Awwww! How lovely, martine!

My Mum & Dad adore having the grandchildren to stay too, even though they need an intensive rest-cure afterwards! M-i-L used to really enjoy it too, but now she is far from well, it's just not possible.

Little ones are tiring though, aren't they? I really felt the difference between having Cellofreak as a toddler when in my twenties, and Bulb 3 over a decade later!

smiley - biggrin Katy smiley - rose

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