This is the Message Centre for martine_s

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 1


And a miserable drizzly, showery day it has been, gdr and I both sniffling and taking naps. The only highlight a trip to the post office which never fails to amuse her. The day spent on callisthenics on her parents' bed, chases around the tiny flat and the usual condiment of Bambi and Marcelino. But she's learning French songs (Alouette! how cruel) and Bambi is now only in the English version when Mamie is in charge. We're practising "Bird".

Fortunately O/H came to pick me up so I didn't have to face the sodding and sneezing multitudes. April in Paris my foot.

Depressed by the fact that the French are going through a silly populist phase, fuelled by a silly, populist bunch of has-beens. Cheered by the thought that if (which God forbid) it's a no vote, then we won't be able to lay down the law and preach to supposedly less truly European countries. De Gaulle famously said : "Les Français dont des veaux", meaning stupid and easily led.

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 2


Hi Martine I'm taking refuge here because Vegan Question is stalking ML again. There are are really forceful things itching away at my fingers but if I know if I post them then it will just fall on deaf ears. worse still just encourage It.

It's been pretty damp and horrid here today as well so may not all be Paris' fault.

What happened to your bird photo in the Lockin ?



Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 3


Firiends confirmed it was a wood pigeon because it can't be anything else and that its winter plumage made it look even bigger. Unfortunately they seemed to have moved on, perhaps they did like our binoculars and they are nesting elsewhere. It's always such a thrill to come up against nature red in tooth and claw. Once O/H rescued a barnowl who had got into the attic s and couldn't find the way out. Marvelous.

This Vegan person is giving us vegetarians or near-vegetarians a bad name.

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 4


I wouldn't worry about that. There's always an exception to prove the rule ( whatever that might mean).

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 5



Please don't feed the Troll! It's like voting for politicians, it only encourages them!

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 6


Hi LP, I agree with you re Trolls and am sitting firmly on my hands in ML. I did, however, think we were safe in here for the time being. Please don't tell me I'm wrong.

Politics is another matter but I assume you were being ironic so I won't go into that now.


Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 7


We are in accord, no Trolls here, too difficult for them I think, and I was being ironic. Nice to see you Polly.

smiley - bubbly


Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 8

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Hi everyone.

It's beautiful weather over here martine, and has been since Monday - ever since the children went back to school after a terrible Easter holiday re the weather. Always the way, eh? Like when I get round to washing my windows, I know of no surer way of guaranteeing a downpour within an hour of two.

I hope so too, Polly - and hope, not only because it's bound to raise hackles and remarks of scaremongering etc., that no one on here posts a link to this place for the time being. I've seen retty asking questions about H2G2 but don't feel up to replying to her - I don't see how I could be bland enough not to upset anyone. Might mention this in the Outhouse, actually...

Btw, did you know that if a post on these boards is catpeed, it automatically gets 'blanked out' and removed from sight until a Mod has seen it? What do you reckon about that as a suggestion for ML, when the time comes nearer for the change over there?

smiley - winkeye Katy

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 9


Do you mind if I call you Mustard as I would be here all night typing out your name ?

Firstly apologies to Martine as we seem to have invaded her diary but needs must.

Mustard, where are you to be getting such nice weather ?

There have been links to this place in the other place before now that's how I got here in the first place but so far V. Tw@ seems not to have noticed. Fingers crossed.

Actually I think it would be better to simply ignire Trolls than catpee them but that's just my opinion.

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 10

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Giggles Polly - I logged on with that name to update The List, then forgot to log out again! I'm in Antwerp, btw.

Yes, apologies from me too, martine, though I must say here how much I'm enjoying your 'tripe'.

Re the troll, it really is the best to ignore them, It must be loving Latest Messages in The Bull right now...

smiley - sadface Katy

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 11


Hi Katy

Using your Mustard login as you are!

Don't worry about Retty she's a friend and fully aware, I know her over on c19. No Troll's here and I think that is because there is no audience, but agree with the idea of not feeding them, not ever.

Begining to work on FAQ as you may have seen

smiley - hug

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 12


Mustard, You're in Antwerp, martine is in Paris, I'm in Nottingham and LP is God knows where. How can people so far apart be having a conversation ? This internet thing does my head in if I think too hard about it.

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 13

petal jam

Katy sorry for intruding, but felt I owned share of the "scaremongering" ticking-off.

Basically trolls and axe-grinders will go wherever they think they can cause trouble. I'm sure a number of them have every board on the BBc covered.

If, like me you occasionally dip into the mbs over a longish period of time, it looks really obvious that new posters can be treated with supicion, their phrasing analysied etc. in case they are part of a nameless hydra. That as much as the spatting put me off posting for a very long time.

I wouldn't worry about the links thing. And it is my understanding that catpeed posts are immediately frozen and I would agree that it is a good idea, if mods read them fairly quickly, so there is no tit-for-tat complaining.

petal jam

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 14


Sound very sensible this pj. It all goes to show how public a place ML is. Worth keeping though, warts and all.

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 15


I've just realised I didn't mean "sodding" multitudes, as I have great affection for fellow toilers using public transport. I meant soaking wet.

Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 16



Been blowing a gale here all night (the whistly sort) and is wet. This means there are no birds on the geean (sp common flowering cherry) for Elsa to chatter at. When she first saw small birds, less than two weeks ago, she didn't chatter.

The weather forecaster were completely correct in their forecast for next week and for next five days they forecast rain. I hope you get the sun forecast for sunday to let you shake off the sniffles.


Paris, April 14, 2005

Post 17


martine dere, after my (to me) memorable Waterloo over 'moeurs' in Amboise with you, I wouldn't dream of correcting anyone!

I actually thought you were making a very witty pun on 'sodden' (past participle adjective of the Old English strong verb 'to seethe', 'sethan', to boil or soak in water; excuse the lack of letter thorn in the middle) = 'drenched', and 'sodding' = the usual dismissive slang adj.

There's nothing like getting drenched/sodden and sitting in steaming coats on the Tube, to remind one of one's vulnerability in urban existence. We're animals under them thar coats! $Qxxx

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