This is the Message Centre for martine_s

Paris, April 13, 2005

Post 1


Well it was bound to happen. After days of bloody weather and tubes and buses full of infected people, I am developing a cold. This is because it was my last class with the second-years, the end of worries and doubts and soul-searching; they are now on their own. So my body is signalling that it would like to get some rest.

No cuddles for little granddaughter to-morrow then. Instead we'll be trying on shoes. Given that her mother and two grandmothers are inveterate and enthusiastic shoe-buyers, her genes didn't even put up a fight.

I would try Colette's luscious recipe but I haven't got the ingredients and I'm not going out again.

When we were little girls, my mother would dress us in pleated skirts and "blazers" after Easter, whatever the weather. This year, as usual, it is hard to judge the precise moment when one can safely give up black tights and move via various shades to flesh-coloured, and when to tentatively try on outfits in lighter colours, away from black and grey. Doesn't get any easier with the years.

Paris, April 13, 2005

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

sorry to hear about your cold. Friend Francesca in Aberdeen has just come down with one too. As for me, I've been hungover all day - I slept it off this afternoon but am still feeling a big groggy - so I decided the hair of the dog is the best medicine!

you seem to be enjoying hootoo, martine - fun, isn't it. I feel sorry for the nay-sayers ... they are definitely missing out!

Do you know, I just spelt "definitely" as "definately". I have become a lot more internet-quick over the past few years I've been in Leeds and have started to take on board the more common of internet spelling mistakes. Tut tut! That will never do.

I'm coming to your fair country at the start of June to see my Dad and his wife, who live in Mauroux which is near to Cahors. I will wave in your general direction as the plan goes overhead and drink to your excellent health in Dad's best wine.

yours ever
dagesh xxx

Paris, April 13, 2005

Post 3


Excellent! I shall wave back.

It is hard to explain how it is at once more public and less public than ML. I suppose it is the fact that you don't see the messages unless you choose to so it needs a act of will to click and explore, whereas in ML it's just like a menu with season's favourites and classic dishes and it's all there to see. If we don't have time ordre, then it will definitely (!) be a sea-change;

Have a good evening ; I'll drink your health with aspirin and other drugs...

Paris, April 13, 2005

Post 4



There is something very important in that statement, I can't quite find the words, but you've defined there something I feel about all of this.

Hope this makes sense.


Paris, April 13, 2005

Post 5


Sorry to hear that you are enrhumee martine.

I too remember having different outfits after Easter. My sister (four years younger) and I would usually have matching dresses and coats, with hats and white gloves - seems hard to believe now! - for church. The summer hats would be pastel colours, often with little flowers. I don't think I wore tights until I was about 12 or so - our school uniform included knee-length socks for winter!!

Paris, April 13, 2005

Post 6

petal jam

Martine, Dagesh, LP, Annie,

Telling myself that periodic sneezes are an allergy to tree pollen from the blosssom everywhere.

LeP I see what you mean about this journal lark: it's performance art.
On the one hand you are revealing everything mundane or sensational in raw chunks, or on the other constructing a carapace like Peeb's dialogue with his inner duchess.

Fwiw Martine, I took you at your word in the Bull. Keep thinking of an old music book "Exercises Journaliers" - does that work as a pun in French?

My apolgies for intruding, and I do feel as though I am intruding , sticking my head round the door of someone's bedroom to say...

good night.


Paris, April 13, 2005

Post 7


good night.


And goodnight to you too, but this place is great for intruding all over, a bit anarchic but why not? True democracy!


Paris, April 13, 2005

Post 8


<> I agree with LP, you've really hit something on the head there. This journal gig is almost confessional, I haven't worked out how to treat it yet though I do like it. In a sense it's all about me, my life, my happenings and if its unreadable excrement it doesn't matter. But it does matter, doesn't it? One can be very honest and very private at the same time, either revealing the minutiae of one's live and thoughts or a dry-as-dust record like an itinary (sp?). I'm really enjoying this medium and the way different people approach it. Night all,


Paris, April 13, 2005

Post 9



I've suddenly realised that because this zips all over the place you have to be clear who you are speaking to, so to "Niff" in this stream you said and I quote:

Now what I want to say is, I love that My space thing, it's your place and people can check in it or out. Up to them, and you say what you like! smiley - biggrin

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