This is the Message Centre for gracieme
Welcome to h2g2!
Vip Started conversation Mar 13, 2011
Welcome to h2g2. My name is Vip, and I'm of of the Assistant Community Editors (known as ACEs ( We try to speak to everyone who signs up to make sure they're OK, offer them a cup of tea , that kind of thing.
At the moment you'll have to excuse us, we have the decorators in so although you're probably in the new colour scheme (if you can see the dolphins, you're in it!) you may find that you have to refresh pages a lot and some things just don't work. They're working on it.
For now you may want to switch back to one of the 'old' skins:
At the moment they are still bug-free, but display some funny characters when users of the new skin (called Barlesque) use apostrophes. Again, they're working on it. I really do recommend using one of the old skins until we've got the go-ahead from the Editors (the guys that look after the site).
There is also the news that h2g2 is being sold off by the BBC, as their new BBC Online vision doesn't include any community-based projects. It is definitely not the end of h2g2 - in fact, you may have joined at about the most exciting point in its 12 year history! If you would like a quick summary of what is going on, head to
So! h2g2! What can I tell you?
Firstly, you probably joined up here because you were reading an article or conversation and wanted to write a comment. Brilliant. We need comments like that to keep the Entries up to date, or even just feedback for the writers so that they know their work is being appreciated.
You may have joined up so that you could write - again, brilliant. We always need more contributors. We have plenty of places for you to show off your writing skills:
1. Anyone can create an Entry. It's your Guide, you can write about anything! (
2. The Approved (formerly known as Edited) Guide showcases the best of h2g2's factual writing ( In order to contribute to the Approved Guide, you will need to put up your work for scrutiny by your peers. It's not a scary thing to do, don't worry! It's there to make sure that it meets the guidelines for the Approved Guide and that your writing is the best it can be.
The action happens in Peer Review ( I highly recommend you read that page and its guidelines before you leap right in. If nothing else we always need new reviewers and it's very useful to have additional opinions. All h2g2 members are encouraged to join in the Peer Review process.
3. The UnderGuide ( Named because they break the Approved Guide guidelines but still exist underground, the UG publishes the best fiction, not-quite-fact and opinion pieces that h2g2 has to offer. It's a bit quiet at the moment over there but we'd just love someone to go down there and wake them up.
4. The Post ( Our very own newspaper! Feel free to comment on any of the articles - there's nothing better than having someone comment on something that you wrote. If you want to become a columist, just contact the Post Team from that page - they are always interested in new contributors.
5. The Community. What a small word for such a big thing. The main place to go for conversation, questions and answers is Ask h2g2 ( From there you can read, start or join in conversations on pretty much anything. Be warned though, the 'cancel' thread is not for the faint-hearted!
h2g2 is big, but please don't let it put you off. It's full of friendly people and creative sorts. If you're finding it hard to navigate, tricky to create an Entry, or anything at all - just reply. I'm subscribed to this thread so I will be here next time I'm online to sort you out. Promise.
All the best,
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."