This is the Message Centre for E Yore

E. Yore!

Post 1

DeeKay Bee


Long time, no wotsit

Good to see you, it's been too long. How are you?


smiley - pony Our Noble Steed is back again

E. Yore!

Post 2

E Yore

Hello there again, Dee! smiley - smiley (not sure if this smiley will turn radioactive or what). I've been an on and off lurker in ML, (long may it reign), and signed in here just to lay a claim to my moniker. Very busy otherwise and quite content lurking in the undergrowth, avoiding the spats, trolls, football hooligans & their ilk that rampage around. This new set-up would appear to lessen those risks, am I right?

Take care, love, E. Yore (noble steed????? sad a** more like. Thistle, anyone?)

E. Yore!

Post 3

DeeKay Bee

It's all very much an unknown, one advantage is that a name change will change a persons name everywhere so there is less chance for mischief making.

Each identity needs a different email address, so it's harder (well less convenient) to keep flicking between identities.

I hope that you are well

Yum thistles, pass the pepper

E. Yore!

Post 4

E Yore

Bucketful of thistles coming up, accompanied by a skipful of Krüg for you! (no idea how to insert a smiley of a champagne glass fizzing away). °>- is the best I can do.

It was the depressing reoccurrence of familiar one-idea trolls sock puppeting that stopped me from posting and drove me back into Lurkers' Wood (plus spats galore). And it still seems that almost every time I come back for a lurk, a troll is around or has been around whipping up spats. Not the ML I knew and loved.

Hope that the new system does weed them out, or at least make registering so difficult for them that the harm they do is lessened.

I have to admit enjoying reading the serendipity of articles on h2g2 and look on this place as being like the Café de la Paix in Paris - a sidewalk café where one can sit in one's corner and see the whole world go by - rather than The Bull, a pub to go and drink & chat with mates. Both good and useful but different.

Cheers, smiley - biggrin

E. Yore!

Post 5

DeeKay Bee

The smiley list is A155909 if you're interested

smiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - coffeesmiley - cupcakesmiley - choc

I don't know if you're bothered about 'our' bit of here but just in case

A3876131 is the Bull Outhouse and gives a kind of mayo page

U1485019 is a list of the MLers who've made it over here

I've not had much of a look around h2g2 proper, it's so big that it's a bit daunting. I must venture forth smiley - smiley

E. Yore!

Post 6

E Yore

Thanks for the information, DeeKay.

Have a smiley - bubbly or a smiley - stiffdrink to support you as you discover h2g2. Doing smileys isn't easy when you are typing on an out-dated mac (no backslash!)

I have seen the Outhouse and Muster of Mustardeers but feel uncomfortable about joining in again after such a long absence, especially in 'furrin' lands (even if the natives are quite friendly). Thanks for the interest anyway.

Saw your comment about the getwell card problem and commiserate. Have a Hope things aren't harder with you than you can cope with or that you have small windows of light and friendship to cheer you along the way if they are.

E. Yore!

Post 7


So glad to see your name up there on the list. I hope we can take up where we left off...

I am a sad correspondent I know ...

This place does have an appeal.

E. Yore!

Post 8

DeeKay Bee

Ah well, you know best.

I do have to say not to worry about joining in again, I know that lots of people have missed you, but you know that smiley - winkeye

Re elderly relative, I just feel terribly sad. She's the last of her siblings and never married as she looked after her parents until they died. There are lots of nephews and nieces who adore her, but I think that she feels that she has missed out on something. She's now found that she has cancer, and the hospital are just trying to control it rather than get rid of it, possibly because of her age. Sorry about that, I'm trying to keep people chipper at home and you just got the downside

It's lovely to see you any way, don't feel that you CAN'T join us smiley - hug

E. Yore!

Post 9

E Yore

Hello there martine! Thank you for the welcome.

I'm not sure I'll be doing more than lurking here, in ML (mark I and II), but will now definitely consider posting in a troll-free universe, even if I doubt I will ever have the time to do the intensive chatting of years gone by.

Umm, Martine I sent you an owl many moons ago to the only address I have for you (your name at principal cable provider in the town we live in). Did you not receive it? The Lock-in has locked me out so I can't go there.

Take care,
E.smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

E. Yore!

Post 10

E Yore

Dear DeeKay,

Have changed skins so I can now do smileys.

smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - cheerup

Don't worry about us seeing the downside -isn't that what our ML community is all about? I can see how very difficult it must be for you to be cheerful for your relly and convince her that she hasn't missed out but on the contrary has given so much to everyone, while at the same time you deal with the depressing prognosis. Can you take any comfort in the fact that if she is that elderly, the cancer will probably evolve slowly? At least that is what I have always been told. Would your relly take any comfort from the idea that you and the rest of the family are visiting her not because they have to (moral obligation to a parent) but because they really love her and want to?

It's probably a bit early in the morning for a drink, so

smiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - cakesmiley - tea

E.smiley - hug

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