This is the Message Centre for QuantumMaverick

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 1

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Dear Newbie,

Welcome to H2G2. I am your ACE - a volunteer Researcher who helps to guide our new Researchers about their new home.

On the 20th January, 2011 we all entered an exciting new phase when the BBC opened hootoo in their new barlesque engine although we are still having a few problems with it, our wonderful Editors and Techs are working hard to kick out those gremlins! Under our old system I would have left you links to help you on your way, but my usual links won’t work just now. However, I can advise that you add your user number to the above link ie and it will take you directly to your Personal Space. Just run your mouse over the page and it will highlight any clickable links to take you around the site.

Sadly, on the 24th January, 2011 it was announced that the BBC will be closing some of their message boards and that H2G2 will be looking for a new home. Please watch out for further announcements from our current Editors who are doing a sterling job, even though their future is not secure.

Fear not! The H2G2 Community will survive! We have made too many friends to just be discarded. Stay with us and follow our adventures into the unknown!

For a while you might want to use the Brunel system, at least until the Barlesque is operating properly smiley - winkeye to find your Personal Space, replace 'home' with U(and your user number) ie This system gives you the chance to use our smilies smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok, click on any of them and you will see the full list of smilies available smiley - divasmiley - discosmiley - bubbly

lil xx

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