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Farewell to a washing machine

Post 1


Just done the last wash in the old machine. It goes to the tip tomorrow. I'm feeling rather sad about it. I bought all my electrical white goods over 10 years ago when I still worked for our local electricity supplier (when they still existed) and it still had shops. I got staff discount on them all and they've been a good purchase - only 1 repair needed on the whole lot of them in that time. Still the fridge, freezer and tumble dryer are off to good homes!

Best company I've ever worked for too - bet I would still be there if we hadn't been sold and then got rid of. Still miss it - though I think we (my former colleagues and myself) have a tendancy to look back through rose coloured glasses. All the same they treated us well and I do miss it and my former colleagues.

Haven't dipped into ML tonight - need an early night (not sleeping well at the moment and it showed today) and if I dip in I'll spend all night catching up on the day's threads... That'll be tomorrow evening taken care of smiley - winkeye

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Farewell to a washing machine

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