This is the Message Centre for UberGek {Oo-behr Geek}
a visitor to planet earth Started conversation May 25, 2005
I know I am being nit-picking, but shouldn't your name be Uebergek?
UberGek {Oo-behr Geek} Posted May 31, 2005
I can name myself whatever I want!!! :P
Yeah, there is supposed to be the umlaut over the U as well as that straigt line over the e so that is sounds like ee. I just can't get the line on my name here. My website has the correct version of the name.
So, which planet are you from?
a visitor to planet earth Posted May 31, 2005
Some people think I am from Mars, but others think I am from Uranus.
UberGek {Oo-behr Geek} Posted May 31, 2005
But you are from this solar system, then? You must know my cousin's friend John. You know, John? Tall guy. Brown Hair. Like to eat meat.
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