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Malabarista - now with added pony Started conversation Jan 8, 2009
Sorry to hear about your mother's fight with cancer - it must be difficult!
But I don't think Az is the right person to chat to about it at the moment. She's specified as much in her blog - she'd rather not hear other people's horror stories while she's recuperating, which I can fully understand...
Just thought I'd give you a heads-up.
UberGek {Oo-behr Geek} Posted Jan 8, 2009
Hello there,
Thanks for letting me know. I haven't read her blog yet; just glanced over at the site. Fortunately my mom's story is NOT so horrible. She's doing quite well these days. If anything it is a story of hope, although it's not actually over yet. But I will be more sensative towards Az.
~ B
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Jan 8, 2009
That's good to hear.
But even so, don't trouble Az with it right now There are other places on hootoo to talk about these things if you need to.
Fortunately for you - and your mother - a large percentage of cancer patients survives these days. (Both of my parents have had cancer within the last 5 years, and both are fine now.)
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