This is the Message Centre for Jake, the Tanguero - Muse of Salon Style Argentine Tango
Tango, now SubEdited....
Crescent Started conversation Jul 5, 2001
...I loved the Entry, but it needed to be hacked about a bit I have put it up for your perusal, as I did so much to it, and wondered what you thought. Most importantly is it technically correct? Feedback welcome, the Entry can be found at . Let me know what you think
Until later....
BCNU - Crescent
Tango, now SubEdited....
Jake, the Tanguero - Muse of Salon Style Argentine Tango Posted Jul 6, 2001
Thank you
That's just about perfect. You took what I was trying to say and nearly said, and expressed much better than I did.. Thank you for your time and your work. I think it's ready to go.
Tango, now SubEdited....
Crescent Posted Jul 10, 2001
Thank you, this is the bit I always dread, when the researcher sees the Entry, once it has left my hands. You made it a delight Until later....
BCNU - Crescent
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Tango, now SubEdited....
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