This is the Message Centre for Jake, the Tanguero - Muse of Salon Style Argentine Tango

I would love to Tango

Post 1

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Dearest Jake,
Pleased to make your acquaintance,(hope I spelled that rite). What's going on up there in Boulder and what do you do up there. We have 2 things in common so I figured I check for any other wavelengths. I would love to dance.
Worlds of Love,

I would love to Tango

Post 2

Jake, the Tanguero - Muse of Salon Style Argentine Tango

Buenas noches señorita. Gracias por escribiendo a mí. Estoy triste porque está triste. Espero siente contento pronto. Si viene a Denver y baila el tango conmigo, entonces sentirá mejor.

Ok, that's about the limit of my Spanish smiley - biggrin

I would love to Tango

Post 3

Researcher 170406

Dear Jake,
I really appreciate the Spanish and it takes daring to post it on the h2g2 what with all these moderators hanging around. I believe they frown upon non-english postings. Somehow I manage to generate enough encouragement to get some people to respond. Your spanish sounds great, accents and all, I am impressed. Thank you I am gratified.
Do you study Tango? If so what style and where. I have studied a lot of dance styles and am definately going to Tango. I guess when I go home to New Orleans this summer I will go to some Tango clubs. Around here in Alablessed Bama, there is little cultural diversity. Even so, Mobile is coming up next year on it's Tricentennial celebration. It has a history similar to New Orleans and was the site of the first French settlement in the New World, and thus the first Mardi Gras celebration too. They are mighty proud, mighty proud, here in Mobile. They had too many mosquitos and the colony was abandonned and moved to New Orleans.
Didn't expect a history lesson did you? Did you say you had written articles on the Tango in the h2g2? I will be doing the Tango soon. I had the perfect Tango rose from my garden this week. Deep red and intoxicatingly fragrant.
Thanks for responding. Write soon.
Worlds of Love,
(psst: I have got to get out of this sad lady mode, it's true. I am working on it. You inspire me to go out in NOLA and Tango to practice in case I ever get to Denver. That cheers me up!)

I would love to Tango

Post 4


Dear JLC the TTP,

G'day, G'day.

How are things down in old Alabama?

This is actually Jake - The Tanguero, Muse of Salon Style Argentine Tango. Foolishly, I accidently logged myself out of h2g2 and can't remember my BBC login name for that persona, so I created a new one. Now I'm DenverMan - tadaa! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Whee! I'm working on recovering my old login info however . .

I'm happy to announce that my tango entry made it into the edited guide. Here's the url:

I'd be delighted if you would peruse it and possibly grace me with your comments.

I hope you are enjoying your summer. Take care!

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